Pathways Learning Center

Pathways resources to help fellow Toastmasters with education and related member needs

“Helping Toastmasters members, one at a time.”

Beginning Pathways Resources

The area below contains materials useful for members getting started in Pathways:

The Navigator (for 1st complimentary Path selection & additional Path purchases 10/27/21, and after)

The Navigator (for 1st complimentary Path selection, and additional Path purchases before 10/27/21)

"Your First Steps" Comprehensive Video, and Shorter Videos: Complete Your Ice Breaker Project Video Tutorials with a Practice Sample Ice Breaker Document below.

These videos are as follows:

“Your First Steps” video is comprehensive, offering all you need to know to get started.

The other two shorter videos offer explanation how to complete the Ice Breaker as your first project.  The 1st one is more comprehensive at 10.5 minutes.  The 2nd refers to a different project, but is the exact procedure as the Ice Breaker.  This video is less comprehensive and is just over 2 minutes, if you prefer to spend less time.

Below the videos is a sample to practice navigating the material you learned in the video.

Level 1, Ice Breaker PDF

Courtesy of Daniel Brewer, DTM.

Toastmasters Level 1: Start to Finish for New Members

PDF designed to help a member with the necessary tasks to complete Level 1. Courtesy of Dave Bones, DTM.

Practice Sample Ice Breaker Project

Use your skills learned in the video to practice navigating in the sample Ice Breaker project!

Intermediate Pathways Resources

The area below contains material useful for members that are now comfortable being able to complete a project:


Intermediate Level Essentials Video Tutorials

Below are videos designed to help with intermediate level essential skills using Base Camp and Pathways.


Base Camp Manager, Basic Level - see the video below, "Base Camp Managers: VPE, President, Secretary"

Topics covered in the video:

– The VPE, President, and Secretary are all Base Camp Managers for every Toastmasters club.

– Logging into Base Camp as Base Camp Manager

– Pending Requests:
– External Training Initial Request and Completion Approval

– Level Completion Approval (please note that awards must also be submitted in Club Central)

– Pending Request Notifications will be sent to the member assigned as the club email contact in Club Central for your club.

– Level award submission
– Logging into Club Central
– Submit Education Awards

– Giving credit for the Pathways Mentor Program:
– Completion approval in Base Camp
– Award submission in Club Central

– Access your Club Roster with current member education award status
– Within Club Central, click on Club Roster

Again, please remember that awards must be processed both in Base Camp and in Club Central, as indicated above.

– At the basic level, I do not include procedures for requirement verification. Getting started, I just encourage common sense. An example might be if a member is wanting to receive approval for multiple levels in one day, I would recommend talking with the member. They may have clicked accidentally.

If you have questions, please email me using the contact info at the bottom of this web page.  As well, upon request I can provide you with more advanced long form videos that I am happy to share.

Intermediate / Advanced Level Tools & Reference Materials

Pathways Paths and Projects Catalog V 5.0 (NEW!)

Contains every project in all 11 Paths (for 1st complimentary Path selection & additional Path purchases 10/27/21, and after.)  Also, contains both the Pathways Mentor Program projects; and, DTM requirements (including the DTM Project description.) Courtesy of George Marshall, DTM.

Pathways Paths and Projects Catalog V 4.1

Contains every project in all 11 Paths (for 1st complimentary Path selection, and additional Path purchases before 10/27/21.)  Also, contains both the Pathways Mentor Program projects; and, DTM requirements (including the DTM Project description.) Courtesy of George Marshall, DTM.

Path Differentiation by Required Projects

Differentiates all Paths into Public Speaking, Light Leadership, Moderate Leadership, and Strong Leadership categories. Public Speaking Paths have the most flexibility with the least difficulty and time requirement while Strong Leadership Paths present more time requirement and challenge. Courtesy of Dave Bones, DTM.

All Pathways Evaluation Forms: Search Page

Brings you to the Toastmasters International website. Type the name of the Pathways project into the Keyword Search box to access any Pathways project.

Pathways New Level 1 Project Descriptions

Contains the new Level 1 Project Descriptions, as of 10/27/21. Courtesy of Dave Bones, DTM.

Pathways DTM Requirements

Displays the requirements for a Pathways DTM award. Courtesy of Mark Snow, DTM.

Pathways DTM Project (required to achieve a Pathways DTM)

Contains information about both requirements, and other details for this project required to attain a Pathways DTM.

"Meeting in a Box" Agenda & Contact Management Template Spreadsheet

This could be used with a shared Google Sheets or other cloud solution. Courtesy of Cate Arnold, DTM.

Toastmasters Member and VPE Pathways Speech Tracking Log

Log and track speeches as a member, or as VPE for your club members. Courtesy of David Shehorn, DTM, District 48 Pathways Member Progress Tracker & Dave Bones, DTM

VPE / Area Director / District Officer Search Tool

Use this tool to search the following:

  • Educational award history for any member
  • Club websites for all clubs
  • And, much more!
  • Perfect tool for any club VPE, Area Director, District Officer

Courtesy of George Marshall, DTM in District 57

Pathways Companion Guide V. 2

More comprehensive document containing visual explanation, plus further Path and project info. Please note that “unlocking” of levels in order was needed when the PDF was created, but no longer needed. Contains every project in all 11 Paths, except for the brand new Level 1 as of 10/27/21. Courtesy of Mark Snow, DTM.

Visual Explanation of Pathways

Provides a visual for all Levels. Please note that “unlocking” of levels in order was needed when the PDF was created, but no longer needed. Contains every project in all 11 Paths, except for the brand new Level 1 as of 10/27/21. Courtesy of Mark Snow, DTM.

Mentoring in Your Club: Getting Started and Pathways Mentor Program One-Sheet Explanation

Courtesy of Dave Bones, DTM.

Toastmasters Pathways Mentor Program:

D7 Pathways Mentor Program Comprehensive Tutorials:

Member Testimonial:
“For ‘years’ I have not been able to access the Mentoring Program on TI.  But, now I have!  I have started the process, and I appreciate your clear directions in helping me move forward.” – D7 Toastmasters member

Getting Started in the Pathways Mentor Program:

Pathways Mentor Program – Projects Overview:

Pathways Mentor Program - Listing of Curriculum Items

1st Curriculum Item – “Pathways Mentor Program”:

“Prepare to Mentor” project:

"Prepare to Mentor" Project Description PDF

Excerpted from, “Pathways Paths and Projects Catalog V 5.0. Courtesy of George Marshall, DTM.

“Mentoring” project:

"Mentoring" Project Description PDF

Excerpted from, “Pathways Paths and Projects Catalog V 5.0. Courtesy of George Marshall, DTM.

“Advanced Mentoring” project:

"Advanced Mentoring" Project Description PDF

Excerpted from, “Pathways Paths and Projects Catalog V 5.0. Courtesy of George Marshall, DTM.

Pathways Mentor Program Completion & Pathways Mentor Designation:

Pathways Mentor Program – Interactive Live Webinars:

Club Culture and Pathways Education

New Member Orientation

1. Assign a mentor to get them started

2. Give them The Navigator PDF

3. Toastmasters website meeting roles explanation

4. Club practices for meeting agendas, and role signup

Fun and Engaging Pathways Activities

1. Add a “Pathways Minute” role for 1-4 minutes at the beginning of every meeting as below:

  • How to log into Pathways Base Camp
  • Choosing a Path
  • Personal value gained on particular project
  • As VPE, base topics on current member needs
  • Make it fun, and be creative!

2. For Table Topics, create a game or quiz with prizes for answering correctly about Toastmasters and Pathways.

3. Invite guest speakers to your club to educate and motivate your members about Pathways.

4. Celebrate early and often regarding Pathways and Toastmasters achievement!

Additional Member Solutions

“In Toastmasters, there is always a way.”

(quote from a District 7 Toastmasters member)

Scenario 1 - Transitioning to Pathways

(from the Traditional Program using the CC and CL manuals, etc.)

Possible perspective / challenge:

The member does not prefer an online experience with Pathways


These members can print each project, using PDFs for everything except the three activities listed below, required to be done in Base Camp.

Each project’s evaluation forms are included within the PDF.  Just print those pages (not fill-able in this format) to send to your evaluator.  They would need to print the form, and write in the information from evaluating your speech.  Then, they could scan and email, or hand it to you in person.

To learn how to access enhanced options within Base Camp for evaluation forms, please watch the  video, ‘Toastmasters Pathways 101: Evaluation Forms.’ in the “Intermediate Level Essentials Video Tutorials” above on this page.

Three Required Base Camp Activities / Skills:

– Project Completion (see the “Complete Your Ice Breaker Project Video Tutorial and Practice Sample” tutorial above, on this page)

– Printing a Project (see the video, ‘Printing a Project’ in the “Intermediate Level Essentials Video Tutorials” above on this page.)

– Level Completion (see the video, ‘Completing a Level’ in the “Intermediate Level Essentials Video Tutorials” above on this page.)

Your club Vice President Education and / or Base Camp Managers will need to know how to process your Level Completion awards.

Scenario 2 - "Cloud" and Customized Solutions Alternative

 Possible perspectives / challenges:

1. The member or club does not want to regularly manage separate tools, like FreeToastHost and easy-Speak club websites for role signup & weekly agendas.

2. Members find the projects too difficult, take too much time, and find the projects without flexibility to their dynamic needs


1. These members can use cloud solutions such as Google Sheets for their member roster, agendas, and signing up for roles where each member would have access to these as shared documents.

Feel free to download the Meeting Agenda & Contact Management Template Spreadsheet (click here) donated by Cate Arnold, DTM.  I then modified this to offer more generalized utility for clubs.

2. To address the 2nd challenge listed, you might consider:

– Choosing a Path that is less demanding in leadership / planning, but more focused on public speaking

– Hand pick the projects that are more flexible, and require less preparation.  These are available at all Levels.

– Even on the required projects that are more specific like Level 2, Intro to TM Mentoring, consider being very flexible in your approach.  If you mention the word “mentor” or have 5 percent of your speech on the topic, that could be enough!  Remember, this is your education, and is your choice how to participate in Pathways. 🙂

3. If one does not prefer being online using Base Camp for Pathways, a member can print the educational materials instead.

These members can print each project, using PDFs for everything except the three activities listed below, required to be done in Base Camp.

Each project’s evaluation forms are included within the PDF.  Just print those pages (not fill-able in this format) to send to your evaluator.  They would need to print the form, and write in the information from evaluating your speech.  Then, they could scan and email, or hand it to you in person.

To learn how to access enhanced options within Base Camp for evaluation forms, please watch the  video, ‘Toastmasters Pathways 101: Evaluation Forms.’ in the “Intermediate Level Essentials Video Tutorials” above on this page.

There are three required Base Camp activities listed below.

Three Required Base Camp Activities:

– Project Completion (see the “Complete Your Ice Breaker Project Video Tutorial and Practice Sample” tutorial above, on this page)

– Printing a Project (see the video, ‘Printing a Project’ in the “Intermediate Level Essentials Video Tutorials” above on this page.)

– Level Completion (see the video, ‘Completing a Level’ in the “Intermediate Level Essentials Video Tutorials” above on this page.)

As in Scenario 1, your club Vice President Education and / or Base Camp Managers will need to know how to process your Level Completion awards.

D7 Pathways Learning Center – FAQ Section:

1. “Under intermediate resources, I was unable to load the “completing a level” video. The other 2 next to it worked fine.”

In this video, I show how to correct the issue in explaining the two step process for watching the videos in the carousel playlist.

2. “Is there a template available for a Google Sheets [meeting] agenda?”

In this video, I show you where to find the template on this web page, and how to use it.

Base Camp Manager Questions:

1. Since I can complete projects from any Level, regardless of what Level my current education status is, can I complete a Level 5 education award if I am currently Level 2? (paraphrased)

Answer: The short answer is that you can complete projects from all Levels in any order, but Level education awards must be earned in order.  Please see below for further break down.

Regarding Level awards, ultimately they need to be earned in order.  This is due to the way that Club Central processes the awards.  The good news is that a VPE can not make the error of submitting out of order because the option to skip Levels is not available in Club Central. The relevant point to keep in mind is that education awards need to be processed in both Base Camp and in Club Central.  Two strategies to consider are below:

Option 1:

In Base Camp, complete all projects as they are done, regardless of Level.   However, do not submit a request for a Level completion, until the previous has been earned / processed in the previous Level.  Then, send the request for Level completion once the previous Level has been processed (in order.)

Option 2:

This one might be more confusing for the VPE.  You could complete your Level in Base Camp (once the VPE approves this) any time.   But, you will need to process the award in Club Central in order.   My recommendation is that it might be better for VPE organizing to do Option 1.

If you are a VPE, please keep the following in mind.   As a Base Camp Manager, you can process your own awards in Base Camp.   But, you can not in Club Central.  Any club officer can submit awards (in Club Central) in that case.

D7 Toastmasters Monthly Pathways Learning Labs Playlist:

Member Testimonials about Pathways:

For me the Dynamic Leadership projects – ‘understanding your leadership and communication style’ [were particularly helpful.] These gave me an opportunity to assess areas I hadn’t looked at or even considered evaluating before joining Toastmasters and doing the Pathways – (this is my first and I’m 8 months in). Especially through the lens of being able to articulate clearly through a speech. While the process of the project is simple and well guided, it’s not necessarily easy and I enjoyed being challenged and considering that the gift of the projects. I now take the pre and post-assessments much more to heart with a goal of becoming more self-aware and improving as an ever-evolving process not just to get it done. And those two areas of leadership and communication are the key to success in life and business.

As a direct result of the projects I mentioned, I’ve become calmer and better focused not only on my business with my clients but with my teens. When you take the opportunity to through the projects to really look through the lens of what does the audience see/hear and understand as a result of my styles, that uncovers a lot and makes it possible to really evolve as a person and as a speaker.

Stephana, DL3, D7 Toastmasters member

Every Pathway project has had a subtle impact on my functionality personally and professionally but the “Understanding Your Leadership Style” activity was especially beneficial. Professional organizations give us the potential to develop skills but they do not break down leadership into fundamentals like this. My opinion is that everything needs to be understood fundamentally before it can be practically applied. Understanding the style of my leadership has made me a stronger leader. There is self-insight and awareness that comes from breaking your methodology down.

The managing time project was one that did not directly benefit me but I could see how it would be impactful for others that have not developed those skills. With Toastmasters you get to adapt the projects to your experience level and they lay things out clearly for you. In a professional environment, many of these skills are expected and it can be shameful or embarrassing for someone to admit they need support. Toastmasters provides an education system that can be rudimentary wherever needed.

We use the phrase “a safe place to fail” a lot and this is the #1 piece that sets it apart from other opportunities.

Elizabeth, LD1, D7 Toastmasters member

The last project in my L5 of the Persuasive Pathway I needed to do a project that would span over several months and include the collaborate with a group of people to achieve a specific goal. My pathway project was very fitting for the Biggest Loser and Wellness Challenge that I co-lead in our Technology organization. This challenge was an activity outside of my core responsibilities but I signed up to assist the lead who needed extra help.

60+ participants signed up to lose weight and learn behaviors that could lead to a healthy lifestyle including nutrition, fitness, portion control and lots of encouragement and motivation. This challenge went for 12 full weeks and every day, I posted videos of me doing fitness challenges to inspire the members to get moving. Every week we tracked the weight of the participants and I collaborated with the co-lead as well as recruiting a handful of incredibly awesome volunteers who assisted with the day to day work when needed. They later one signed up to be official volunteers when the challenge part 2 started the second half of this year.

With the L5 pathway project, I had a clear idea of core competencies needed to deliver the project successfully and they were the backbone of my Biggest Loser Challenge Project.

Being in Toastmasters was a fabulous advantage for me to deliver clear messages to all participants on a daily basis, being aware of how articulate and concise my messages were especially while I collaborate with my co-lead.

The project was so successful that a part 2 of it started 4 months after our project ended by popular demand.

Stephanie, PI5, MS2, D7 Toastmasters member

I always find the Ice Breaker [project] to be the most beneficial outside of my Toastmasters activity because I am able to introduce little bits of myself that I haven’t shared or that haven’t been shared about me to many other clubs. The benefit is that I can introduce myself in multiple ways.

Pathways has benefited me in that I can be a multi-dimensional speaker. I can speak humorously and seriously in many different ways.

Crystal, DTM, D7 Toastmasters member

Personal Note and Acknowledgement:

Dave Bones, DTM

Dave Bones, DTM

D7 Pathways Proponent

I want to acknowledge and express gratitude for the following members:

  • Lorri Andersen, DTM, D7 PQD, Pathways Proponents Committee Chair
  • Dr. Gwendolyn Avington, IP5, DL5, Pathways Mentor, Immediate Past Pathways Proponents Committee Chair and current advisor
  • Current fellow Division Directors / Pathways Proponents
  • All fellow Pathways Proponents last year

I am truly honored to collaborate and connect with you all.  The work we do in “helping Toastmasters members, one at a time” simply would not be possible without your contribution and support.


Contact Dave for Pathways and Base Camp Questions:

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