Page 37 - September 2020 Voices
P. 37


       It’s All in Your Head

       Laurie Canney, DL2

         Truly off the cuff speaking can sometimes seem like a skill  easier and more enjoyable for me than prepared speeches.
      that is unattainable for someone who does not have a ton of  There is a freedom in off the cuff speeches that allows you to

      facts rolling around in their head. Surprise, you do not have to  incorporate the audience and feel of the room that may not be
      have a ton of facts so long as you have had any kind of hint of  possible with a prepared speech.
      contact with a topic, you can speak off the cuff.          A speech broken down is really a circle of information.

         How? How can I speak confidently off the cuff if I don’t  It has a beginning, middle, and an end that usually takes us
      know what I will be speaking about? Simple. You, believe it or  back to the beginning. The best speeches set the stage, give
      not, are a subject matter expert. Really you are. Take any topic  you a point of view, and lead you on a merry dance to end in
      and when applied to your personal experience, your life, your  a satisfying heap.
      perspective…YOU are the subject matter expert.             It is a journey every time that our listeners take with us and

         Here is an example. Give a child a plain cardboard box. It  you know what they say the hardest part about a journey is…
      becomes a spaceship, a sailing vessel, a car. It is only limited  the first step.
      by their imagination. They are the subject matter expert on the   We have so many opportunities to take that first step in
      box and they have tons of stories and adventures to tell.  Toastmasters. Table Topics is a great place to practice with the

         Think of the topic like a box. Picture it in your hands. Look at  box. Start with a single word topic. Ball for example. Everyone
      it from every side. Side 1 is how your experience has interacted  at some point in their life has a (Side 1) personal story about a
      with the topic (story). Side 2, how do you feel about the topic?  ball, (Side 2) Has feelings about a ball (tennis ball, basket ball
      Side 3, do you have any information about the topic (personal  or even a dance), (Side 3) personal knowledge about a ball

      knowledge)? Side 4, is there any distant relatability, have you  (how it is made or history of masked balls), (Side 4) read about
      read a story, seen an article, or third hand account that meant  a ball, read a story that had a masked ball, saw a movie about
      something?                                             a ball (Field of Dreams).
         Playing with your topic like a box, gives you a way to relate   Off the Cuff or speaking “extemporaneously” is a 1938

      to it. Once you pick a side, you have your solid starting point  American colloquial term, suggesting an actor or speaker reading
      of view and focus for your speech. Voila, you are organized  from notes jotted on his shirt sleeves rather than learned lines
      and ready to go.                                       (Literally speaking from off the cuff). Only for you it’s all in your
         Topic, point of view (approach), focus, and you are ready to  head, not on your cuff, waiting to be shared. (,

      speak. But what about time! How can we speak for 5-7 or more  n.d.)
      off the cuff if we don’t prepare? Easy. Choose more than 1 side   You already have everything you need to truly speak off
      of the box for longer speeches. Of course this takes practice  the cuff. You are the subject matter expert of your life. Grab the
      and getting used to playing with the mental box.       box and get started, we can’t wait to hear you.

         What I have found is that off the cuff speaking has become

                                                                               VOICES! | SEPTEMBER 2020         37
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