Page 36 - September 2020 Voices
P. 36
three boxes: Base Camp, Navigator and Purchase electives, etc. that the 11 paths turn into 300
a Path. FOR NOW-IGNORE THESE ENTRY competencies? When someone tells me, they are
POINTS. I want to acquaint you with the third limited by Pathways to just this or that, I remind
way which gives to you the keys to the kingdom them of this salient fact. It is far more extensive
we call Pathways. than we think. The limitation is within yourself,
On the same program bar as Pathways there not the education program. I am on my third
is one titled Education. Click on Eduation, and path and still discovering little gems and skill
you will see the drop down with Education in training on each level. It does remind me of the
bold letters, with two choices below. Education old (and now new ads) for Life cereal—“Try it,
and Pathways learning experience. Click on you’ll like it!”
the Pathways choice. It leads to the question Ah, I see by the rapidly fading light that we
“Where will Pathways take you?” Read the text must now break our journey for the day. Now is
if you want or scroll down and locate the yellow the time to set up your tent, lay out the bedroll,
button titled Begin Now. For right now, do not and stoke up a campfire. You’ll want to now feast
click on that portal and begin to scroll down to on a few of the areas in your Pathways discovery
the Welcome to Pathways. Take a deep breath, that you have sampled. But I need to caution you,
fasten your seat belt, and watch the introductory this campground is fraught with danger. You
video. Simply, it is the intro to Pathways. While need to be aware of the dreaded lethargy beetle
it is not extensive, you may lern something new. that will sap your strength with but a single bite.
Wonderful. Answered all your questions, Don’t forget the multi-legged worm of frustration
right? It would be wonderful if it did. But I want that with its pincers immobilizes you to dither,
you to now scroll down to the next section and lose interest, and give up your journey.
prepare to play around for a bit. Remember that Now I want you to have pleasant dreams of
these are merely rudimentary summaries of paths achieved, certificates won, and the golden
the 11 paths found in Pathways. However, you prize of the Pathways Distinguished Toastmaster
may find your curiosity piqued to explore even award. We will renew our journey. Fluff up the
further. Stay on the path for now. The 11 paths pillow and relax, knowing that tomorrow will
outlined all contain a synopsis of the path, the come—a bright, sunshiny day with continued
five levels and the elective projects for each level. adventures and discoveries. Rest well, and we
I find this a great tool to project forward what I will renew our journey of discovery. See you
may choose as my next path or make the decision next month!
that the path may not be of interest to me. Now
you can, without any pressure plan, explore,
and prepare for what interests or challenges
you by clicking on the emblem and seeing what
is available. Did you know with all the various