Page 40 - September 2020 Voices
P. 40


       Empathy: Van vs. Mustang Chronicles

       Sudhir Gautam, DL4

      You just paid $350 to fill the gas tank in your
      10-seater van and now you’re heading towards                       What is Empathy?
      the YMCA to take your Zumba class. You stop
      at the nearest Starbucks to get your favorite                It’s our ability to recognize and share

      pre-workout drink—Venti 1 pump caramel,                   other people’s feelings. In simpler terms,
      1 pump white mocha, 2 scoops vanilla bean                 it’s putting ourselves in other people’s shoes
      powder, extra ice Frappuccino with 2 shots                in order to try and feel what they feel.
      poured over the top with caramel drizzle                     Empathy isn’t just an abstract concept

      under and on top of the whipped cream,                    but is a 2.0 skill that can be acquired and
      double cupped.                                            enhanced using cutting edge research and
          Two blocks away from the YMCA a yellow                hands-on tools. But before we get into
      Mustang abruptly cuts you off. You honk, flip             some of these tools, we need to understand

      them off and stare them down in their rear-               the benefits of empathy. Here are some of
      view mirror. You create a picture of this driver          them:
      in your head—an ex-convict who evades taxes,              •  Reduces stress and anxiety
      sells drugs, does not pay child support, and              •  Encourages openness

      votes for the political party that you hate.
                                                                •  Creates more space for creativity
          Imagine if this was a movie in the making
                                                                •  Enhances cognitive flexibility
      and you were the director who could do a take
                                                                •  Leads to better teamwork
      two. What if you created a different script?
                                                                •  Helps build deeper connections and
      Grandma’s in the ER fighting for her life and
      her grandson in the yellow mustang is rushing                friendships
      towards the hospital. The take two response               •  Results in better problem solving
      is what we call an empathetic response, and it               outcomes

      utilizes an ability called Empathy, which most            •  Is better for business: better leadership,
      of us have to some extent.                                   innovation and customer satisfaction

                                                                •  Less political division and social conflict

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