Page 42 - September 2020 Voices
P. 42


                                                                    The School of Self Talk

                                                                     B. Lee Coyne, ATMS

                        Practical Tips                               While the month of September may bring

                                                                 memories of school bells clanging, thr major
          At this point you might be wondering why               lessons of life occur well outside the classroom
          some of the things in this article so far              per se.

          sound like they’re meant for an elementary                 Interaction with others is our ordinary
          school child. If you are, it’s because they            daiiy experience. We are immersed in society.
          actually are. Ideally one should be taught             Communications begin in our toddler stage. We
          these things at a very young age but it’s              hunger for milk and baby food.

          never too late to intervene and prevent                    Then in baby steps we begin to learn real
          a potentially violent situation involving              words.  In our pediatric minds our new world
          a van, a Mustang, and a complicated                    starts to connect things with their labels. Nouns
          Starbucks drink.                                       soon give way to verbs.

              Now that we know what empathy is, its                  Ways of action are accentuated.
          benefits, and what tools we can use to build               At some point in our cognitive journey we
          it, here are some tips I picked up while               perceive inner feelings and the words to express
          wrestling with my own Mustang moments:                 them to our family. We.are still highly dependent.

           •  Eat your own dog food when it comes                We may need a boost from others, even their
               to teaching children                              approval.
           •  Set good examples                                      Self talk often develops at this stage.
           •  Always steer towards positivity                        As specimens of humanity our brains think

           •  Listen! Listen! Listen!                            before we take action. Internal forces formulate
           •  Don’t try to eliminate all conflict.               our thoughts and maybe we can debate within
               Learn from it.                                    ourselves. Those episodes from childhood can
           •  Don’t overuse these tools and keep it              mold our reactions in adulthood.

               fun.                                                  Let’s attempt a fast forward to our
                                                                 contemporary scene here and now. Every

                                                                 Toastmasters speech is aptly triggered by that
                                                                 self talk process.
          Wish you a fun and happy empathy journey.                  Choosing the topic is the initial phase.
      Email me your thoughts and findings. If                        Organizing the talking points follows in swift
      you’re desperate to join my club at this point,            succession. Determining word choice enters the
      I empathize with you.                                      fray. Balance of tone—serious or humorous or

                                                                 both—becomes another facet to work through.
                                                                     Audiences vary greatly.  Self talk is really

                                                                 inner screening. The alternative for most of us
                                                                 is scrambling. Which one best represents whom
                                                                 we really are?

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