Page 41 - September 2020 Voices
P. 41

Empathy: Van vs. Mustang Chronicles

 Sudhir Gautam, DL4

                                           Empathy Building Tools

            Now that we know the tangible benefits             3.  Conflict Postmortem—Anytime you

         of empathy as a skill, here are some of the              encounter a conflict, asking these 5
         simple, easy to use tools that can help build            questions can help build empathy:
         empathy:                                                        •  What happened?
         1.  Create what-if scenarios—How exactly                        •  What were you thinking at that

            do we put ourselves in other people’s                           time?
            shoes? We do that by creating all kinds of                   •  What have you thought about it
            what-if scenarios and related questions                         since then?
            in our heads.                                                •  Who’s been affected and how?

               For example:                                              •  What can you do to make things
                  •  What if that happened to you?                          right?
                  •  How would you feel?                        4.  Simulate Conflict—What if you live in
                  •  What would you do?                            an environment where there isn’t much

                  •  What would you say?                           of a conflict? How do you build your
          2.  Build Emotional Intelligence—The                     empathy muscles? You can simulate
             awareness, control, and a healthy                     conflict in all kinds of ways. For example:
             expression of our emotions have to do                    •  Movies: ask why characters feel the

             with our emotional intelligence. You                         way they feel.
             can build it by:                                         •  Books: imagine what it must feel
             Being better at recognizing and labeling                     like to be in a given situation.
             emotion as sad, angry, happy, etc. in                    •  Paintings: try to get into it – what

             both others and ourselves. Getting                           exactly is Mona Lisa thinking?
             familiar with universal and contextual                   •  Video games: what does it mean
             facial expressions and body language                         to build a virtual Minecraft
             helps you get better at it over time                         community?

                                                                               VOICES! | SEPTEMBER 2020         41
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