Page 43 - September 2020 Voices
P. 43


                                              Donald “Tiger” McAndie
                                              Be Part of the Process

                                               Michelle Alba-Lim, DTM -
                                               Club Coach Coordinator

          Last month, we launched COACH  What has been your greatest joy as a club
      CONVERSATIONS, featuring interviews with  coach?

      successful club coaches. For September, meet               I joined WSO (the first club that I coached) so
      Donald “Tiger” McAndie. Tiger recently earned  that I could participate fully in the meetings and
      his Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) in the  become part of the culture of the club. I enjoy the

      traditional education program and is currently  storytelling aspect of the club and the friendly
      serving as Area 22 Director. He is a member  atmosphere. When Covid-19 hit, thousands of
      of six clubs and serves in various officer roles,  Toastmasters went online and many visited WSO
      including President of Roseburg Speakers and  as it is an established online club. Many of the

      Storytellers.                                           guests asked to join as members and we ended
                                                              the year as President’s Distinguished.
      Tiger, tell us about your Toastmasters
      experience.                                             What qualities help you to be a great coach?

          I joined Toastmasters in 2013 and was                  I am a hands-on coach. I believe in being part
      enthusiastically working the traditional  of the process and leading by example. I lead
      education program until I experienced a  from behind and tend to encourage and support
      devastating and utterly unexpected rejection in  others whether they be members or guests. I

      2016. For three years, I refused to have anything  reached out to guests during the meeting to greet
      to do with Toastmasters. Thankfully, my mentor  them and make a connection with them. I then
      continued encouraging me to visit other clubs.  followed up by reaching out via email. I showed
      Thanks to the warm welcome I received at an  up early to meetings to assist in welcoming guests

      online club, I rejoined Toastmasters in 2019 and  and stayed after to engage guests in conversion.
      resumed my disrupted progress with renewed
      gusto.                                                  What advice would you offer to new or
                                                              prospective coaches?
      Why do you like being a club coach?                        My best advice to new club coaches is to assist

          I am an educator by profession and have an  the club to achieve their goals (not yours). Also,
      Masters of Science in Education. I love teaching,  do not give advice unless it is solicited.
      coaching, and mentoring.

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