Page 44 - September 2020 Voices
P. 44


       Wonderful News from

       the TI Convention 2020

       Michelle Alba-Lim, DTM

      Remember how I encouraged you to attend the  2021.

      first (and probably only) online Toastmasters              Page reported that the Board has approved
      International Convention last month? Where  allowances for special meetings devoted solely for
      else but with Toastmasters can you attend a  prepared speeches (aka speakathons) to provide
      top-notch 5-day convention without spending  greater speaking opportunities for members,
      a single dollar, from the comfort of your home,  until June 30, 2021.

      and in your favorite sleepwear? I hope you did. If         On a related note, she reported that the
      you missed it, or want to review segments, click  Youth Leadership Program and Interpersonal
      here. This year, the Executive Board briefing was  Communication programs will be updated by

      one of my favorite segments. Why? Because of the  combining them into a single program that
      wonderful news related to online connections!          would better align with the Pathways program.
          First Vice-President Margaret Page reported  Pilots will be conducted in specific locations
      that the Executive Board of Directors decided to  worldwide. While Page did not explicitly state
      allow Areas, Divisions, and Districts to continue  whether these would be online or onsite, I’m

      conducting contests online until June 2021. The  optimistic that either mode would be acceptable.
      Board will review this exception no later than             She also reported on a proposal regarding
      April 2021. Districts are authorized to continue  current and future cyber security. The Board

      holding annual business meetings online.               recognized the ongoing nature of cyber security
          The Board also decided to maintain current  status and necessity of maintaining proper
      exceptions for online club meetings and club  protection and protocols. More information will
      business until June 30, 2021. Likewise, the Board  be provided when available and appropriate.
      will review these exceptions no later than April           Second Vice-President Matthew Kinsey

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