Page 34 - September 2020 Voices
P. 34


       Stepping Out - The Journey

       Begins (Part 1)

       Paul Fanning, DTM

       It was a chilly morning—something I would  items I would need for the journey. At last, I
       grow to miss in the coming months of heat, lack  stood before the full-length mirror and admired
       of water, and even a comfortable bed. No more  that which I saw there—handsome, debonair,

       three-square meals a day, sitting on the veranda  someone properly outfitted for an arduous, yet
       whilst the servants hustled and bustled setting  hopefully profitable adventure determined to
       up, preparing, and delivering my repast. I gazed  do their best for “King and Country” to their
       out the window noticing for the first time a bird’s  last breath.

       nest on the tall tree before me. I heard a slight         The vision before me began to morph as the
       “ahem” and turned and found my valet standing  mirror shrank, the clothing become a tee shirt
       there. “Is there anything else you require of me  and shorts and that dashing moustache turned
       sir?” I responded at once with a terse “No thank  into two-day stubble. Here I was, sitting before

       you.” Thinking a moment, I added, “Caruthers,  my master (the laptop), the green eye silent as
       if I don’t return within the year, you will notify  I finally began the process of my journey for
       the Royal Society, won’t you?” “Of course, Sir.  the day. Press ON. The journey begins—an
       And your brother in the colonies as well.” With  adventure, yes. Of a lifetime, yes. Of profit and

       that he vanished out the door as if this was a daily  fame, well that was up to me I believed.
       occurrence. Unrattled but faithful to the last.           Typing in the website reference for
          I strode to the bed chamber and looked  Toastmasters International and my logon, I
       down and saw that all the trek kit was laid out  stepped through the portal into another world

       for me—knee boots, khaki colored shorts, shirt,  again. Off to base camp where my sojourn begins.
       tie, and jacket along with the almost comical but  I am the master of my own fate, an expedition
       ubiquitous solar topee (pith helmet). I quickly  into my future and my education to better myself
       dressed, careful to fill my pockets with requisite  as a speaker, an evaluator, and a leader. And then

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