Page 33 - September 2020 Voices
P. 33

What really happened              Here’s what really happened. I rode the
                                  was I rode the elevator           elevator to the 7th floor of the Portland
                           2 to the 7th floor of the         3 Building. I asked at the lobby if this is where
                            Portland Building. My heart       Toastmasters was. A kind man said “yes,—right

                            was beating in my chest. I        over there—go on in—they meet here every
                            asked at the lobby if this is     week.” I won Table Topics at my first meeting
                            where Toastmasters was.           and got a blue ribbon which I bragged about that
                            A kind, warm gentle man           night to the man I was seeing at the time. I gave
                            with long eyelashes said          my Ice Breaker speech 6 months later and felt
                            “yes—right over there, go         validated by all the feedback and attention. Then
                            on in—they meet here every        I became President of Portlandia. The next year

                            week.” I felt really attractive   I became VP of Education and Area 74 Director.
                            because he looked for a           Now I am in my 3rd year as an officer —VP Public
                            long time into my eyes. I         Relations. Recently I trained 54 Toastmasters
                            walked into a glowing room        Officers from across the state on Zoom. I have
                            with sunlight streaming           freedom and camaraderie, and I am learning to
                            in. Comfortable chairs            play the guitar. It took going to a Toastmasters
                            surrounded a shining              meeting to realize a few things. First, I can give
                            Oregon maple table with           a speech without dying, being fired, or losing
      a live edge. The meeting started. There were a          friends. Second, I know that even if I am not a

      couple of speeches. Then it was time for Table          world famous speaker yet, I am making steady
      Topics. I knew I had to stand up and do one to          progress toward improvement. Third, most of the
      get myself engaged. I received a standing ovation       time people will help me when I ask, like giving
      and cheers of BRAVO! BRAVO!  The  members               me feedback on a speech, or giving me a dollar.
      all threw roses at my feet— Portlandia Club                To conclude, I still have phone conversations
      always brings roses in case a genius happens to         with my old associates. I’m pretty sure if I ran
      walk in the door. Everyone rushed me to ask             into them I would make eye contact and give

      for my autograph. Two weeks later I became a            them a dollar if they asked. You too can learn
      world-famous public speaker and made a million          about yourself through Toastmasters.
      dollars. Now I travel the world from my home
      base in a penthouse at the new Ritz Carleton with          If you want to share your story about why you
      a view down on the Multnomah County Central             joined Toastmasters, watch the Finding Your Story
      Library. Now whenever I see my old associates           replay on Youtube by clicking here. Follow the format
      downtown, I smile, make eye contact, and I give         discussed, and send your story to phyllis.harmon@
      them money for their favorite charitable causes. Your article will be published in
      I also give them puppies.                               an upcoming issue of  Voices! Email Phyllis Harmon,

         Okay, that didn’t happen either.                     Publisher, for submission details.

                                                                               VOICES! | SEPTEMBER 2020         33
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