fancy-envelopes-for-gifts-with-ribbon-ties-250x250During this holiday season, as you compile your gift list for cousin Jane, brother Harry, or hair stylist Alex, think about giving the gift of success. We know that Toastmasters should be on everyone’s bucket list, right? The communication and leadership skills we learn are nothing compared to the confidence and knowledge gained every time we attend a meeting. Sure, most of us walked into our first Toastmasters meeting thinking we’d melt into the floor if someone asked us to speak, but we survived didn’t we? Remember the elation you felt after delivering your first speech when  your fellow members congratulated you on a job well done?  What about all the testimonials you’ve heard, that because of Toastmasters, jobs were gained and promotions happened? Think about it.

You can rock someone’s world, setting them on the path to becoming a great leader and communicator, by giving them the gift of success – all for the price of a six-month membership. What are you waiting for?