Do you want to be the proud owner of the latest and coolest tool for spreading the word about Toastmasters?  Attend a Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) or club officer training event this month and get your very own “Ask Me about TOASTMASTERS” button!

Rendered in Toastmasters branded colors, the “Ask Me about TOASTMASTERS” buttons are great conversation starters at your workplace, in the mall, or any place where you’ll meet Ask Me buttons 7people.

You’ll get a FREE button simply for attending TLI. You can also buy additional buttons while supplies last.

All club presidents attending training events will receive special membership building kits consisting of the “Ask Me about TOASTMASTERS” buttons, plus lots of marketing postcards, flyers, and other Toastmasters information. If your club president cannot attend, you or any other club officer can claim the membership building kit for your club.

Don’t miss out on this excellent opportunity to share the magic of Toastmasters with your colleagues, neighbors, and yes, even total strangers. Get your very own “Ask Me about TOASTMASTERS” button and start the conversation about Toastmasters.

NOTE: Check the D7 Calendar for training schedules