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P. 12


                   SEEDS OF                                                 By Robin Wheeler


         Once upon a time there was a mouse whose name         panicked. Then Empress White quietly scooped him
         was Timorous. He had all the characteristics of       up and said “Hi, what is your name?”
         his name. He was shy, timid, and had no courage.
         Timorous’ name and ways really made his days feel     Trembling from head to tail Timorous quietly said
         cloudy. For Timorous had a big dream he                          “Timorous.”
         thought was impossible. He wanted to be
         able to stand and speak without being shy                        Empress White said, “Welcome to Bloom-
         or timid. Alas Timorous had no courage to                        ing Toastmasters Timorous.”
         change his circumstances.
                                                                          Timorous said “Thank you. I am sorry
         One Spring sunny day Timorous decided to                         I wandered into your meeting, please
         cheer his mousy self up and go for a walk.                       forgive me.”
         He left his home in the wooden tree and
         started down the tree lined pathway. He                           Empress White said, “Forgive you? Timo-
         came to an open meadow filled with beau-                         rous we say welcome! Would you like to
         tiful flowers. The flowers were all talking to                   learn to be comfortable at speaking?”
         one another. Timorous hid himself in the
         tall grass to watch the beautiful creations                      Timorous said, “Well it’s been a dream of
         enjoying themselves.                                             mine, but I can’t do it because I am shy,
                                                                          timid and have no courage”
         Then Purple Flower rose up and started
         speaking in front of the other flowers. Ahh,                     “We all have had the same problems Tim-
         thought Timorous. Purple Flower spoke                            orous. That is why we are here to over-
         beautifully. She was smiling and her                             come fear, shyness, and lack of courage.
         gestures seemed to be connected to her                           We all have the same dream Timorous.
         words. All the other blooms clapped their                        We want to be competent speakers.
         tops after Purple Flower stopped speaking.                       Purple Flower lost all her petals when
                                                                          she first stood to speak many moons ago
         Timorous knew right away he did not                              but look at her now! She is full of petals
         belong. He longed to be able to speak like                       and beaming. You can be beaming too
         Purple Flower and enjoy the laughter and support      Timorous. Join us.”
         from the other blooms. But he thought, I am just
         not good enough to be a part of them. I better qui-   Timorous said, “I will think about it. Can I stay and
         etly sneak away and go back to my tree where I can    watch a while?”
         be safe. Suddenly the bloom, Empress White, put
         her cup down on top of the little mouse. Timorous     To be continued in next issue….

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