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                                       COMMUNITY EVENT

                                          Albert Wright, PE (RET), LSIT

                                    VP – Education Capital Toastmasters

             On April 19th Capital Toastmasters, a prison club,   here in 2020 not knowing what to expect except
             will host a District 7 educational conference that   the possibility of having to fight, hide, or worse.
             envisions bringing individuals to a discussion      And I was fine with this attitude…until I started
             where they have been marginalized to some           to meet others within OSP. Individuals who com-
             extent or another…individuals that come from        mitted murder, rape, armed robbery, and other
             a variety of backgrounds…from all ‘walks of life.’   violent acts against others. Individuals who have
             For this event, this club is putting these individ-  transformed themselves to become better hu-
             uals in the same room, at the same time with        man beings. Individuals who are giving back to
             others who typically wouldn’t ask or seek their     their community in selfless acts every day. Indi-
             opinions, to discuss something that affects each    viduals who want to give back.
             one of us in our community and society. These in-
             dividuals are those who are victims of crime and    During my professional career I was mentored by
             those who perpetrated crime, with some having       several outstanding individuals, who I will always
             experience on both sides. For four hours, these     be thankful to. During my time being incarcer-
             individuals will sit with Legislators, Government   ated several outstanding individuals mentor
             Officials, Academia, and Law Enforcement to start  me on how to be a human who sees others…
             a conversation long overdue: How can victims        as humans…and how to give back. Individuals
             and offenders work together with these others to  such as Cornelius Davis (Area 44 Governor) who
             increase safety in our communities by decreas-      paroled after 29 years, Theron Hall (President,
             ing crime? The reply to this may be something       Capital Toastmasters) whose sentence was com-
             like this: “Who cares?” “Why does this matter?”     muted from life without the possibility of parole
             “This doesn’t affect me.” Or any number of other    to life with the possibility of parole, and others…
             thoughts running through the head of the typical  some who were on Death Row and are now part
             Oregonian. How do I know? Because these were        of Toastmasters International.
             my thoughts and the thoughts of others whom I
             knew. As a professional, and an individual, I didn’t  “The purpose of the club is to provide a mutually
             see perpetrators of crime as humans. In fact, I     supportive and positive learning environment
             didn’t see them at all. The old saying comes to     in which every member has the opportunity to
             mind, “Out of sight, out of mind.” Or there is this   develop communication and leadership skills,
             one – “You did the crime, do the time.” Honestly    which in turn foster self-confidence and personal
             speaking, I saw offenders…criminals…as animals  growth.” As a former leader within a government
             that must be locked up in cages, never to return    agency, I’ve witnessed individuals stepping up
             to society. They’re not to be trusted. And they     and living this out. So…why is this conference
             won’t change. ‘A leopard never changes its spots.”  necessary? It’s to bring these types of individuals
             So…I thought.                                       to the same table…to bring all participants to
                                                                 the same table. This is needed to affect change,
             Today, however, I find myself in a different posi-  to bring about a culture where “All have a stake in
             tion. I was sentenced to 30 years and entrusted     healing.” I will end with this thought from Levinas,
             into Oregon’s Department of Corrections (DOC)       “Today’s crime is tomorrow’s virtue.”
             at the Oregon State Penitentiary (OSP). I arrived

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