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         Jennifer Schmidt

         Senior Editor

          Spring has always been my favorite season because those bulky coats get packed
          away and nature starts displaying bright and happy colors. It’s almost like we’re
          getting a floral signal that encourages us to tackle new projects as the sunshine
          stays out a little longer.

          It’s also hard to believe this is our third quarterly edition of Voices! As we get closer
          to August, there is a lot of excitement about the upcoming Toastmasters Interna-
          tional 2024 Convention. This event will be held in Anaheim, California to celebrate
          100 years of Toastmasters history! When I think about how much Toastmasters has
          grown over the last century, it’s wonderful to think how an idea bloomed into an
          organization that has helped so many people.

          It’s an amazing achievement considering that it all started with a single club in
          Southern California. Dr. Smedley’s vision for developing public speaking skills           EDITORIAL
          was only the beginning. I can only imagine how amazed he would be to see what
          Toastmasters has become today. We have grown into a worldwide organization
          with the common goal of enhancing our personal and professional development.

          If you’re excited to learn more about the upcoming conference, be sure to read
          the details inside this issue. Divisions A and B will also be spotlighted with news
          from those areas in District 7. We hope you enjoy reading all the articles and the
          warm and happy days of spring ahead.

         Volume 10 Issue 3 April 2024
         Publisher                Administrative Manager   District Director        Voices! is published Quarterly by District 7
         Leela Seeber             Phyllis Harmon, DTM      Jim Robison DTM          Toastmasters.
                                  Public Relations Manager  Program Quality Director
         Senior Editor            Fred Bergeron, DTM       Dave Bones, DTM          First issue published August 2014.
         Jennifer Schmidt
                                                           Club Growth Director     Submit articles or contact us at
         Associate Editor         Finance Manager          Dr. Gwendolyn Avington, DTM
         Leanna Lindquist, DTM    Karen Semprevivo, DTM

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