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                                                   Jim Robison

                                        District 7 Director, 2023-24

          One hundred and a score years ago, Dr. Ralph          them for who they are now. There are people who
          Smedley began creating the meetings which would  you might think deserve to be in prison, and you
          become Toastmasters International. His purpose?       are probably right. Even many members I have met
          To help young people (only young men at the time)  and gotten to know will say that they deserved to
          to build their presentation and communication         be locked up.
          skills so that they could interview well for jobs and
          perform well in the workforce. He wanted to help      But as I get to know the members now, a common
          young people improve their lives.                     phrase recurs. “You are not the worst thing you ever
                                                                did.” Many of the individuals I have met were sent
          Thirty-four years ago, I entered my first Toastmas-   to prison because of actions they took under the
          ters meeting and quickly realized it could help me    influence of drugs and alcohol. Others often men-
          greatly improve my skills in ways that would help     tion that they had grown to depend on violence as
          me build my business and have an impact on my         their main method of communication. Regardless
          community.                                            of what led them to the actions that sent them to
                                                                prison, they are not the same person they were
          Eight years ago, I entered a prison for the first time,   before. If you believe people can never change, you
          to participate in an Area Contest held at the Colum-  should visit a Toastmasters club in prison for an-
          bia River Correctional Institution, hosted by Rose    other perspective. I have met convicted murderers
          City Toasters, and I saw how profoundly Toastmas-     who today I would put my full trust in.
          ters can change people’s lives.
                                                                My conclusion about the changes people undergo
          Since then, I have actively participated in support-  is not that Toastmasters somehow changes people
          ing the members of Toastmasters who are in prison,  in and of itself, but that Toastmasters is the tool that
          helping ensure they can hold meetings, get officer    people who want to change can use to make that
          training, complete educational progress, and, in      change. Those people who go into Toastmasters
          short, improve their lives. When I see the prog-      with the attitude that they want to learn, grow, and
          ress of members in prison clubs, I see the original   change, can undergo those changes because the
          purpose of Toastmasters expressed clearly. People     tools are there.
          drastically changing their lives for the better. I have
          met individuals who have committed horrible           I’ve heard about or seen studies conducted in
          crimes. One day when I visited a prison club, as vari-  Hawaii, Louisiana and Texas that match our experi-
          ous individuals were being introduced by name,        ence in Oregon that those people who participate
          I heard one member’s name and started thinking        in Toastmasters while in prison, and continue in
          to myself “Huh, that guy has the same name as a       Toastmasters after prison, never return to prison.
          famous villain, someone I remember hearing about
          who had committed a horrific murder.” Then it         This year we are building two new clubs that can
          dawned on me, “Oh, that IS him.” When you know        help even more people succeed. Capital Toast-
          someone’s past, it can be very difficult to clearly see  masters in Oregon State Penitentiary has been so

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