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                    Put a Spring Back in Your Toastmasters Step

                                                   By Jennifer Schmidt

          Every year, as the cold winter days melt into our memories, fresh possibilities fill the air.
          It also gives us the opportunity to explore new territory as Toastmasters. Sometimes it

          takes a little extra spring in our step to move us toward a new outlook. If you’re ready
          for your next adventure, you may want to consider the following ideas to spruce up your
          Toastmasters experience.

          Start at the Top -                                    The topic may still be good, but you have grown as
          Renewed Mindset                                       a person, and now have a fresh perspective. I have
                                                                found when I have received feedback from several
                                                                clubs, I can quickly find out how a topic resonates
          Everything starts with a mindset of success. You      with each audience. After taking extensive notes,
          may ask, “What is the next goal I want to achieve     I adjust to strengthen my presentation. This helps
          as a Toastmaster?” I’ve found it’s helpful to ask     me to grow as a speaker, and to refine the topic in a
          this question on a regular basis. As it gives me the   meaningful way.
          chance to determine if my goals still make sense.
          Also, the right mindset is the start of develop-
          ing strong speeches, presentations, and projects.
          I’ve found having a strong belief in success is the   Make it a Group Effort -
          spark needed to take action. But when I don’t get     Guest Speaking
          my mindset on the right path from the start, then
          success becomes harder, or impossible to achieve.
          As Henry Ford famously said, “Whether you             There are many opportunities that allow you to be
          think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”  a guest speaker. One is to practice a contest speech
                                                                during different club meetings, which I’ve enjoyed
                                                                doing myself over the years. Outside of Toastmas-
                                                                ters, there are typically opportunities for different
          Dust off an Old Project -                             service clubs or youth groups that could use your
                                                                help with their meetings and events. Or you could
          Get Feedback                                          be interviewed for a podcast and talk about your
                                                                professional experience. Another possibility is
          Maybe at one time you had lots of ideas that          to lead a committee for your club to locate guest
          never fully developed into a whole speech, and        speakers for special events. This could be a stand-
          they were put away in your desk drawer. Dust-         alone presentation, or finding a panel of experts
          ing off those ideas and seeing if the topic still     that could share their knowledge during your next
          inspires you, could point you in a new direction.     open house event.

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