Page 14 - voices-2024-04
P. 14
Maria Grazia Repetto
I often think back to that lady we had as a guest a hated that, but I recognize now that she was right.
few weeks ago. She had a beautiful, musical, and Even today thinking of him, I can’t remember his
unique voice, I was impressed. When we speak, words, but I still hear that voice.
what do we communicate with the sound of our
voices? Do we ever think about the value of voice? The human voice is music; using it in its maximum
expression is art. Our emotions are transmitted,
When we give a speech, we always take care of even before words, by the sound of our voice. The
which words to use, which gestures, how to appear expressive elements of the sound of the voice are
in front of the audience, the expression on our those of music: tone, tempo, volume, rhythm and,
face... but we don’t think about the sound of our why not? I would also add smile. The smile is a mu-
voice. sical pause that attracts attention and emphasizes
the rhythm of the speech positively.
Yet the sound of the voice is very important when
we communicate. And silence also is important, as is sound. It is a
longer, more significant pause between one sound
The sound of our voices is music, a music that we and another. Sometimes silence is tactical, some-
learn to listen to since we are still in our mother’s times it screams more than a shout.
womb. The sound of the voice strikes us even Every voice has its own beauty, just like the sound
before words, and each word changes meaning de- of musical instruments. The most beautiful harmo-
pending on the sound with which we pronounce it. ny in the world has always been the sound of the
voice of the person we love.
I remember a young man I knew in my teenage
years. He was a young man like any other, but we I’ve read here and there suggestions on how to im-
girls were all in love with him. His relationships prove your voice: drink plenty of water to hydrate
were short-lived, there was always some reason for your vocal cords, maintain correct body position,
him to break up with girlfriends. At one point he don’t use only the upper part of your lungs, but
asked me for a date as well. I accepted right away. breathe deeply, just like professional singers do.
It’s also always a good idea to warm up your voice
When he was talking with me his voice was hypnot- before introducing yourself for a speech by alter-
ic. He was not saying anything special or unique, nating humming with deep yawns. There are also
it was the sound of his voice that was magical: it three other points we should pay attention to:
didn’t matter what he was saying, his voice was
falling straight into your heart. I would have done Monotony: a monotonous voice is boring and
anything he asked me to do. Luckily my mom makes people fall asleep.
stepped in and made sure the relationship ended. I