Page 17 - voices-2024-04
P. 17

ered and the second half of the concert be-         control, you need to be able to take a step
             gan. The concert itself was well worth seeing,      back, breathe, and consider your options as
             particularly in a much more mindful state.          best you can. This is one of the best lessons
                                                                 from Table Topics as it teaches us to be more
             I’m well aware that in Toastmasters, we don’t       flexible in our thinking while learning not
             normally teach mindfulness, at least not di-        to surrender to fear. Better yet, by acknowl-
             rectly. The entire focus of our organization has    edging those seemingly negative emotions
             been about cultivating public speaking and          of fear and anger, you can use them to your
             leadership skills. But believe it or not, many of   advantage by knowing what your options are.
             those skills involve being able to put our-
             selves in a space that allows us to be mindful,     And when you’re on that stage struggling
             even if the situation itself is frightening. It’s   with a fluttering stomach, just remember to
             not for nothing that people consider public         breathe. Mindfulness is a great tool, and so
             speaking to be one of the scariest things to        too is nervousness. By being anxious, you
             practice. We often encourage people to give         acknowledge the moment you are in while
             their Icebreaker speeches, but even with a          moving forward through it to give a better
             solid mentor behind the new member, it’s            speech. When the speech is over, allow your-
             not easy to teach mindfulness. Sometimes            self to breathe again, and remember: Even
             you simply need to accept the fear and move         when you’ve had the day to end all days, you
             through it. And no person ever does it the          get to choose how you react to it.
             same way as another. Similarly, when you’re
             dealing with circumstances beyond your

                                         Photo by Suzanne D. William

                                                                                             VOICES! SPRING 2024     17
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