Page 34 - january 2022
P. 34


                                       Toastmasters - 2022 A Brand New Year of Possibilities

                                                                                                     Jennifer Schmidt, EH2

      Every New Year the calendar page turns,                  skills. Using one moment in my life, created an
      giving us 365 days of possibility. New goals (or         entire meeting that my club friends enjoyed. It
      resolutions if you prefer) prompt us to consider         also kept my Canva skills sharp and I learned

      all aspects of our lives, including Toastmasters.        more about club members.
      In New Horizons Toastmasters Club, I have seen
      comfort zones stretched and confidence grow.             Embrace a Leadership Role – Club Officer
      The things we learn and accomplish isn’t magic,          and Other Leadership Positions

      but feels that way as voices, ideas, and stories             As Vice President of Public Relations for
      resonate. What do you plan to accomplish this            2020-2021, I loved promoting New Horizons. I
      year in Toastmasters? Here are some ideas to             attended leadership meetings and learned more
      consider:                                                about our club as a voting member. In my role I

                                                               had the chance to shape the direction of a club
      Be a Toastmaster—Fully Embrace a Meeting                 I love, and see it grow. I would recommend that
      Theme to Try Something Different                         anyone who is considering running for an office,
          Back in October, as Toastmaster of the week,         to really consider the responsibility of embracing

      I embraced the theme “Music That Inspires You.”          the role while also making it their own.
      Chosen because when I need music to inspire                  Even if you pass on club officer this year,
      me, I often play “Queen of the Publication” by           consider leading in other ways. For example, you
      Olivia Newton-John. Back in my college days,             could lead an open house, an event or even the

      a friend said, “I think of you every time I play         election committee to interview potential officer
      this song,” and gave me a mixed tape with the            candidates. Toastmasters has other opportunities
      song on it. This was the spark that generated            as well. I’ve seen some of our members become
      the theme.                                               Area Directors, such as Leela Seeber and Joe

          In preparation, I designed several Facebook          Harper. Dr. Gwendolyn Avington who won
      posts, and challenged members to provide                 Rookie of the Year in 2021 also inspires me. Each
      their favorite song hints so we could try to             of these Toastmasters stretched themselves
      guess their tune before the meeting. But you             to reach the next level by saying

      may wonder, “Why did she do all this for one             “Yes” to leadership and their
      meeting?” Because it was fun, and a fantastic way        accomplishments are
      to practice my public relations and engagement           admirable.

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