Page 30 - january 2022
P. 30


      100% of the time. And then to my utmost horror,  me. I am addicted to the feeling of power.

      it hit me like a ton of bricks, I was turning into         For almost ten years I have had the sincere
      my parents!                                            pleasure to mentor a young man I worked with
         Since the start of the pandemic, I have  at the stadium. He is still pursuing his dream
      become my parents with all the requirements  and gets closer and closer to that goal. It is one

      needed to keep safe. I find that I use the “hidden  of those ask-any-question-and-I-will-try-to-
      mind tapes” of my mother about keeping the  answer-it relationships as he picks my feeble
      house clean, not wearing the “outside” shoes in  brain about my past experiences.
      the house, and the list goes on and on. GUILTY,            One of the most recent ones he asked of me

      your honor! Guilty as charged. I am becoming  was “when did my parents stop telling me what to
      my parents!                                            do?” I can not tell him a lie, but perhaps I should
         What is worse is that I say hello to strangers  have. I simply told him the truth. Although I did
      walking down the street. I give advice, directions,  not get a “Jack Nicholson” reaction to the truth,

      and other “parental” type actions in restaurants,  I could tell he was shocked by my candid and
      the coffee shop, and continue on at home. I  sincere answer. “You do not,” I told him. “The
      caught myself the other night saying, “if you don’t  night before my mother died unexpectedly, she
      need that light on, turn it off.” (Okay, that was  was still “telling me what to do!” She in her 80’s,

      my father from his U.S. Navy career.) I cringed  I then 60. It really does not change if you have
      after I let the words “you were lucky growing  a relationship with your parents. They continue
      up you didn’t have to walk to school” fall out of  to love, nurture, and guide you (in spite of your
      my mouth. Shades of the 1930’s twenty-feet-of-         age) because they are your parents.”

      deep-snow-and-walking-five-miles-each-way                  Yes, this has been a look back. Scary—one of
      syndrome from Dad. Mom comes out when I  recrimination and guilt—but it was the truth.
      think (and sadly state) “what did your last servant  Dr. Rick, on his famous field trip, has his group
      die of? Overwork?” Ah, yes. I am a walking ad  standing and watching a person walking by with

      for “becoming your parent.”                            brilliant blue hair. He calmly, in his “therapist”
         Therapy session of Dr. Rick! Thanks, Flo, it is  voice tells them, “We all see it. We all see it.” As
      all your fault I am in the predicament today What  he suggests they do not vocally react. Of course,
      did you say there? Yes, you, over in the corner?  one of them has to say something about the

      Did I hear you say, “Denial is more than a river?”  blue hair. So Captain Obvious! In the scheme
         Caught. Adjudicated. Awaiting sentencing.  of things, that individual would have been me.
      I plead for mercy, to take pity on me and even  They keep telling me “That admitting you have
      provide a sense of hope and revival.                   a problem is the start of healing.”

         But I know the truth. I have descended into             “We now return control of your television
      the depths of becoming my parents. And as  set to you.” Happy New Year, and even happier
      much as I cry for help, seek counsel, and want  viewing. Oh, and I never did get the answer to
      to change—it is far too deeply ingrained within  “What does the dishwasher do?”

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