Page 32 - january 2022
P. 32


                                                                                   Resolutions to Write in ‘22

                                                                                                          Ken Coomes, DTM

      Is it too late to address New Year’s Resolutions, now that we are one month into this brand new
      year? Like Dr. Benjamin Franklin, I believe it is never too late. We can strive for improvement every
      day. In this column, I hope to encourage you to make resolutions, even in January.

                                                       Dr. Tracy Bower, sociologist, published an

                                                   article in Forbes magazine, 12/31/21, titled “Four
        Resolutions!?!                             Reasons to Make New Year’s Resolutions (Even If
                                                   You Don’t Keep Them).” She lists #1 as Intention,

                                                   sharing the positive importance of recognizing
                                                   where you are, with the intent to improve in
                                                        some area.
                                                                     The second reason is hope and
                                                                      engagement. A resolution

                                                                          affirms your belief that things
                                                                            can get better. Following
                                                                             that is responsibility,

                                                                             where she points out
                                                                        that positive change benefits
                                                                          others, not just yourself. And
                                                                               finally, when you seek
                                                                                to improve, to do or to

                                                                              be better, that inspires
                                                                      Let’s see if we can apply these

                                                                ideas to your writing, and your
                                                                  1.   Be honest with yourself about
                                                                  where you are, and where you want
                                                                 to go. Is your novel ready for a final

                                                               edit? Halfway there? Not started yet?
                                                              Have you selected your next Pathways
                                                           project, or your next Path? Scheduled

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