Page 36 - january 2022
P. 36


      Adapting to Change

      David Freedman, PM2

       A few months ago, I wrote about how unprepared  to Zoom fatigue at this point.
       I felt when I returned to work. To some extent,           Quite a few friends lost their jobs, and some

       this is still the case. I recently made the decision  of them have yet to recover and find work, so
       to stop looking for work as a transcriptionist  I know I’m in good company. Until recently,
       as I’d been employed in that field for well over  my mother and I co-owned a transcription
       twenty years.                                         business, but with the advent of the pandemic,

          Nonetheless, the prospect of searching for  our clients dried up as fewer projects were
       a new job terrified me. When I talked to my  being completed. I made the decision to leave
       mother, I admitted that I didn’t like the feeling  transcription in part because of the lack of
       of starting back at square one. Wise woman that  clients as well as the technological shift toward

       she is, she pointed out that I was older and had  voice recognition making transcription work
       a wealth of experiences and skills that would  harder to come by. Changing my career seemed
       put me in good stead with most employers. In  to be the best choice, but it isn’t by any means
       other words, I’d be coming out much further  the easiest one.

       ahead than I would have nearly thirty years ago           At a recent Toastmasters meeting, I gave a
       when I was just out of college. All true, and yet  speech lovingly titled, “But I’m Not Ready Yet!”
       seeking employment in the time of Covid-19  which talked about my own insecurities in
       continued to scare me.                                going back to work. In that speech I gave people

          The funny thing is, I watched other friends  suggestions about what to do when you don’t feel
       and family continue to work throughout this  ready to adapt or move on. Believe me when I tell
       period. I’ve been impressed with people’s  you there are times I wish I could take my own
       willingness to weather impossibly difficult  advice. I know very well through my speech and

       circumstances by adapting as best they can.  personal experience that learning to breathe,
       Many of us did so by working from home,  let alone taking much-needed time for yourself,
       assuming those jobs were available. For those  can reduce your stress level enormously. Yet I’ve
       friends who still had to go into the office, they  been hard on myself for much of this pandemic

       did so infrequently so as to reduce the risk of  because I feel I need to be doing something to
       infection. And of course, Zoom became our  feel worthwhile. To work and make money
       biggest resource for maintaining contact during  even when there’s no work coming in. It took
       that time, although most of us have confessed  me forever to realize that this pandemic has

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