Page 31 - january 2022
P. 31


                 FROM THE WORLD OF WORDS

                                           B. Lee Coyne, ATMS

       We have arrived at 2022, a brand new year for new adventure. For this longtime Toastmaster
       it will mark a transition to becoming a nationally published author. The working title is: My
       Luv Affair with the World of Words. It’s all about building a vocabulary.

          Without words there are absolutely no                brings us to Crayons. That adds color unto
          sentences. These are our linchpins to making     C fe. Also to figures of speech.
          speeches.                                             •  Caught red handed.
                                                                •  Singing the blues.
          We envision this as a resource book for               •  Green with envy.
          parents and educators. Its format tracks          Certainly helpful fodder for any Toastmaster!!!
          down how a tyke named Lee gathered new
          words without knowing it.
                                                               gives us Dictionary. As we dissect language,
          When we give it thought we soon discover         D we also garner antonyms and synonyms.
          that everyday activity adds its contribution.     Play with prefixes and also suffixes such as pre-
          It is not unlike tributaries that feed into a     and post-. Let our grammarian gain insight. . .
          racing river.                                     not oversight.

          This book uses letter chapters. Let’s
          explore Chapters A to E.                            leads us to Edibles. What can be more

                                                           E ppetizing than yummy  food to eat? Meat
                                                            and fish and poultry varieties attract us to
             represents Anagrams. That was the              indulge. Veggies chime in as fruits follow
          A crabble forerunner.Learning which               en route.
          letters were most/least in use aroused my
          awareness toward sounds.                          Have we now whetted your appetite to

                                                            expand in new directions? Do you
                                                            possess a hunger to learn more?
             relates to Body Parts. I dorecall the doc      It’s the Toastmasters way!
          B aying to me: “Stick out your tongue.”
          Mom would tell me: “Wash yourhands before
          you eat!” All were basic vocabulary.

                                                                                 VOICES! | JANUARY 2022         31
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