Page 29 - january 2022
P. 29

ads on various themes—good old Flo and family,

      products, services,                                    the mancycle, and (now my favorite) Dr. Rick,
      and retail stores. Perhaps                             therapist who guides new homeowners into not
      I have been warped by this barrage                     becoming their parents. I love him running
      of songs and products, but they have been a part  his “Dad Support Group.” Or the field trip to

      of my life.                                            the mall and hardware store with his questions
          This past holiday season I saw two ads; one  “how many pillows are too many?” “When does
      for a product and a service company parody  helping become hindering?” “Who reads books
      that caught both my eye and ear. Let me tell  about submarines?”

      you of the first one, for the dishwasher product          Then he reminds his support group that they
      Cascade. It opens with a cute little girl telling you  do not need to use the speaker phone; not to help
      about herself and her life, and the sad fact that  guide someone out of their parking place without
      her parents had little or no time for her because  being asked for help; and the best, not to tell the

      they have to pre-rinse all the dishes, pots, and  waitress your name. You know, all things that
      pans before placing them into their dishwasher.  we saw our parents do when growing up—or at
      (I do not have a mechanical dishwasher. I AM  least in my family, my father would have done
      the dishwasher.)

          There’s something about her voice, so sincere,
      mature, and with appropriate inflections and
      tones as spoken by the actress Sierra Richards
      as she asks the pertinent question, “What does

      the dishwasher do?” A line to remember-not
      quite a “where’s the beef?” but still, it caught my
      attention. If I had a dishwasher, sure, I would
      be using Cascade and reclaim all those hours

      I spent scrubbing away with cloth and sponge.
          It was the second series of ads that impacted
      me the most and put me into a reflective mood.
      Progressive Insurance has had an annual run of

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