Page 25 - january 2022
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       A successful club is directly attributed to its members. After 25 years as a club, we’ve has had
       ups and downs in club size, makeup, and now with Covid19, a change in how the clubs meet.

       We’ve had strong speakers participate, less experienced participants, but all have wanted to
       increase their skill level. Together, we will walk through the secret to our success.

       Join us to gain insight on:
          •  How we have used the Club Success Plan to drive our DCP goals
          •  How we engage members
          •  What makes keeps our members coming back year after year
          •  Timber Talkers was chartered May 1, 1996. After 25 years as a club, Timber Talkers has

              enjoyed many seasons of meeting. Our Learning Lab will include a panel of club members
              who will share their perspective on what has kept our club going so long.

       Dave Hiller – President, DTM
       Tom Cronkrite-VP Membership
       Kristin Webb-Tomson- Secretary Treasurer/Immediate Past President
       Christopher Aedo- VP Education
       Paul Spangler – VP Public Relations

                                                                                 VOICES! | JANUARY 2022         25
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