Page 39 - january 2022
P. 39

Toastmasters Leadership Institute

 Bob Hall, EC2

      They rescued the session and put out the fire.
                                                             who gave up on technology when manual
      Her exemplary leadership set the tone for the
                                                             typewriters were replaced with electrics,
      Zoom team of over two dozen Zoom Masters
                                                             Barbie nevertheless tackled the challenge of
      and Timers who took double shifts, from before
                                                             mastering Excel spreadsheets to manage the
      the opening bell until after the last participant
                                                             communication process.
      left. They welcomed guests, recorded the
                                                                 The event was well attended. Thank you
      proceedings, controlled breakout rooms, polls,
                                                             District 7 members! Over 70 percent of the clubs
      and slide show presentations, and provided tech
                                                             in the District were represented. Over 25 percent
      support for the attendees, among other things.
                                                             of the 139 active clubs, in the District, received
          Many of the volunteers faced fears and
                                                             Distinguished Club Program credit for getting
      insecurities, stepping into roles on a much larger
                                                             four or more club officers trained. Well done
      scale than they had ever dared, much larger than
                                                             and thank you!
      a club open house with a handful of guests. TLI
                                                                 We added an Awards and Recognition section
      this year trained 307 club officers from District 7
                                                             to the program this year which was spearheaded
      and some from several other Districts, including
                                                             by Lakeitha Ruffin. Lakeitha recognized eleven
      some from outside the U.S. It took place over two
                                                             District members receiving their Distinguished
      days, for a combined 428 hours on Friday and
                                                             Toastmaster Awards (DTM is the highest
      354 hours on Saturday.
                                                             achievement in Toastmasters). She recognized
          One of our key volunteers, our Room Host
                                                             13 additional Toastmasters who completed three
      Lead, Barbie Klein, embraced the challenge.
                                                             levels or more in Pathways (Triple Crowns) since
      She assembled a team of Room Hosts for 31
                                                             the last public announcement was made, 14 clubs
      speakers, coordinated the communications
                                                             who completed a Moments of Truth, and 16 clubs
      between speakers, Zoom leads, and room hosts.
                                                             completed a Club Success Plan. There is a high
      She collated the unique speaker requirements,
                                                             correlation between these activities and how a
      ensured the room hosts had an appropriate
                                                             club fares in the face of adversity (like Covid). It
      introduction for each speaker, and were trained
                                                             helps members find their voice and builds them
      in chat monitoring and other interactions with
                                                             into better leaders.
      the speakers. Self-described as a technophobe
                                                                 A couple of survey respondents indicated this

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