
Dec 17 2022


9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

All Hail the Chief – Chief Judge’s Training, 9:00 – 10:00am PST

Do you enjoy exercising analytical skills?  If so, the Chief Judge is the contest role for you.    Learn increased communication skills while improving your leadership skills as you lead a team of contest volunteers!

Contest volunteers are essential to the contest. Volunteering to help run a speech contest offers a special opportunity to refine leadership and communications skills—and can amplify the experience of simply being a Toastmaster.

As the Chief Judge: you appoint the voting judges, ballot counters, timers, and the tiebreaking judge, and brief them before the contest. This position is also responsible for collecting timers’ record sheets and the ballots.

Trainer:  Tamsen Corbin, D7 Chief Judge,