Page 17 - 2025-01 Voices
P. 17
Experience is already there - At one point in was writing a new speech, learning Canva,
my career I was asked to write a grant. I have becoming an officer, or writing for Voices!
written many articles but never a grant. I (you can too, see more details in this issue),
researched how to write a grant and found Toastmasters provides many opportunities
success because I built on my experience of that encourages learning new skills and
telling a compelling story that resulted in gaining experience.
securing the grant.
Expanding the comfort zone - The more
Don’t compare yourself to others - Everyone I competed in contests, created ads, or
has strengths and talents that come naturally planned meetings, the more my comfort
to them. Some are great at crunching zone expanded. Because repetition helped
numbers, writing reports, or finding me to become more confident and more
volunteers. Comparing yourself to others open to trying something new.
who have different strengths can create
frustration. Finding support through the process - The
support of Toastmasters creates a safe space
It’s okay to ask for help - If you don’t want for improvement. For example, practicing
to “bother” anyone by asking for help, a presentation, such as a contest speech,
reconsider. Maybe they love producing and getting immediate feedback as to what
spreadsheets and are willing to help but resonates with the audience has helped
never get the opportunity because they shape my delivery.
weren’t asked. People will often help if given
the right opportunity. Enjoying the journey - Learning how to use
my skills and mentoring others has been
If you are considering expanding your especially fun when I embraced the journey.
Toastmaster’s journey, there are many Throughout the process, trusting my gut has
benefits as well. When I think about how been the basis for finding and sustaining
leadership has impacted me, the following success!
examples come to mind:
Exploring new possibilities - Whether it
Winter 2025 17