Page 14 - 2025-01 Voices
P. 14
Facing Challenges
Change 2025 Style
Leela Seeber
Change - both desired and feared. We vote should be the easiest to address. I armor
for change. Spend time and money to figure myself with positive thoughts and adages
out how to change our look. Ponder how to like “The changes we dread most may
change the world. contain our salvation.” from Barbara
However, when change reaches our
doorstep, we may have second thoughts. I specifically address my fears of being an
What will these changes mean for us? This older person in the job market with stories
is when fear may start. The year 2025 has of perseverance. Julia Child did not write her
arrived on my doorstep. Although I cannot first cookbook until she was over the age of
prevent 2025 from stepping through my fifty. John Glenn’s second act was moving
threshold, I am a hesitant host. from being an astronaut to an American
senator. Vera Wang was an ice skater who
At the time of my writing this, 2025 is set became a fashion designer in her forties.
up to be a year of changes. My career will Colonel Sanders rolled out his Kentucky
go through a revolution. My work location Fried Chicken into a franchise at the age of
is being closed and I am being laid off. A 62. Grandma Moses did not find success
new American president will be making until she picked up an artist’s brush in her
changes which the American population seventies. My career redirection will allow
will be divided on. Continued war and strife me to explore sides of myself that have lain
overseas may cause changes. The greater dormant as I have labored in my corporate
Toastmaster organization has made cubicle.
changes to Pathways. Toastmasters
is discussing further changes. Some The changes outside of my realm of control
reorganizing and resizing of the districts are indeed more difficult to handle. Where
may be in store. is all this unrest overseas going to lead us?
I am scared to speculate. So, I don’t. I avoid
How do I welcome 2025? What way is there “doomscrolling” the act of obsessive intake
to make 2025 more palatable? of negative news. I find wisdom in the
serenity prayer “God grant me the serenity
Things within my personal life and career to accept the things I cannot change;
14 Voices!