Page 10 - 2025-01 Voices
P. 10

Quarter Note

                          Preparing To Be The Toastmaster

                                             David Freedman

                Sometimes it’s possible to become               are assigned to each speaker, preferably
                overconfident when you’re the Toastmaster.      the week before the meeting starts so that
                                                                the Evaluator has the speaker’s Pathways
                The day before one of my meetings, I looked     information. If the speech is outside of the
                at our agenda and noted that every position     Pathways program, the Evaluator will need to
                was filled. Greatly encouraged, I went to the   know this as well.
                meeting next day thinking everything was
                under control – until the meeting started. It   Another duty I emphasize a lot in the
                was then that I realized I hadn’t noticed at    Toastmasters role is “being the mother
                least one person was missing who would          hen.” Simply put, you are responsible for
                be taking on one of the meeting roles.          communicating with people and letting
                Furthermore, another member who was             them know about the meeting. If meeting
                giving a speech was specifically focusing on    roles need to be filled, you can contact them
                Table Topics and how well she reacted to        through the website email page located at
                each person’s speech after they had answered  the top of the agenda or the private member
                a question. I have no problem juggling things  directory if they’ve added that information
                around during our meetings, but these were      to your site. If your club is new and does not
                errors that could have been easily avoided. I   yet have a website, then making sure that
                resolved to pay more attention to our agenda  you have the contact information for your
                from now on, and in the process came up         club members plus guests who wish to join or
                with several points to help both new and        come back at a later date is invaluable. Being
                veteran members alike navigate potential        the mother hen also means checking the
                pitfalls in running a meeting.                  day before to make sure that the agenda is
                                                                complete. If not, keep calling your members
                To begin with, always check your agenda.        to ensure that they arrive on time prepared
                Make sure that every role is filled and         for their portion of the meeting. If for some
                remember that you are the leader of the         reason they can’t make it and are able to
                group for the duration of the meeting. If       inform you of this well in advance, it makes it
                you have speakers, make sure that their         easier for you to assign roles to other people
                speech information is filled in, including their   who will be at the meeting. Try to be sure
                Pathway, the introduction to their speech,      not to double up on roles if at all possible as
                and speech title unless they’re giving a        having one person responsible for two roles
                contest speech. In that case, the Toastmaster   can be stressful, particularly if they are still
                will introduce the member with their name,      new to Toastmasters.
                speech title, then speech title and name. In
                addition, make sure the speech Evaluators       Finally, be prepared for the unexpected, and

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