Page 15 - 2025-01 Voices
P. 15

Change 2025 Style

 Leela Seeber

               courage to change the things I can; and          wider reach but a different kind of connection.
               wisdom to know the difference.” I keep the
               focus on what I can do - even something as       Like any organization Toastmasters must
               small as recycling or saying a few kind words    constantly evolve to meet the needs of a
               to a friend, creates a more positive world for   changing world. This might mean that I must
               me.                                              let go of some things I enjoy in Toastmasters
                                                                but trust that they will be replaced by fresh
               And finally, what about the possible             new enjoyments. I must actively look for those
               Toastmasters changes ahead? Life is full of      positives.
               tradeoffs. With any change there is some
               letting go. No one solution offers fulfillment of  Let’s support each other as we enter 2025.
               all our needs.                                   Stay analytical about change and be fair.
                                                                Acknowledge the pros and cons of both the
               When the pandemic happened, we,                  past and the present. Change is rarely all bad.
               Toastmasters, were forced to change. It turned  In a rough time take comfort in “This too shall
               out to be a renaissance time as we connected     pass.”  The pendulum most likely will sway
               better with fellow Toastmasters around the       back the other way soon. Because people
               world. I learned new skills using Zoom that I    want change even when it is just going back
               could apply immediately in my profession. The  to the same old thing.
               tradeoff, however, is my home club has not
               been able to return to meeting in person on a    Best wishes for 2025.
               regular basis. I miss the friendly handshakes.
               There are just some things that cannot be
               translated virtually. There is the tradeoff -

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