Page 30 - 2022-08
P. 30


          Rethinking False Assumptions

                                        David Freedman, PM2

      What happens when the things you believed to  I’m pretty sure I thanked him, but I certainly
      be true at an earlier age are later challenged and  didn’t believe him at the time.
      found to be false?                                         In a similar way, because I grew up with
          When I was younger, mathematics was  a number of disabilities, physical education
      one of my weaker subjects. In fact, I believed  was often a nightmarish experience. Being

      it was one of my worst subjects, along with  the smallest kid in the class with a lazy
      science and perhaps social studies. Yes, I can  eye and clubbed feet didn’t help matters.
      remember occasions when that wasn’t the case  I struggled to get through P.E. classes, and

      and I did better in class. But by and large, math  was relieved when they stopped after my
      was something that I simply thought I had no  freshman year at Lincoln High School.
      business doing. It wasn’t uncommon for me to  However, Lincoln was only a stone’s throw
      get Cs and Ds in Geometry and Algebra 2, with  away from Downtown Portland, and I found
      very few exceptions.                                   myself walking there to shop, eat, study at the

          In college, I took one more math course.  library, and explore.
      I believed it would help me with my class in               One day, when I was walking home from the
      statistics, a requirement for my Psychology  Sylvan bus stop in the West Hills, I noticed that

      minor—it didn’t. I had to take the statistics class  my stamina had greatly improved. To reach
      twice, barely passing the second time. Then  home, after getting off the bus, we walked a half-
      something. . . well. . . weird. . .  happened. I did  mile mostly uphill. I hated that trip until one day,
      surprisingly well in the math class, perhaps  it suddenly dawned on me that I wasn’t tiring
      because I’d worked on many of the formulas  nearly as easily as I used to. From then on, I loved

      before.                                                walking, despite the belief that I was no good
          Even stranger, the instructor said he thought I  with most other physical activities. Years later, I
      was very gifted in math. What? I was stunned. No  attended Mt. Hood Community College to obtain

      one had ever mentioned this to me in the past.  my associate degree in medical transcription.
      My primary talents were in English, singing, and  Again, it was required that I take a physical
      writing with forays into acting in high school,  education class as part of the curriculum. To my
      but math was definitely not one of those gifts.  surprise, my activity level had improved enough
      Yet here was someone who believed differently.  that I got an A out of the class. The instructor

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