Page 33 - 2022-08
P. 33

Let the Challenge Begin!

 Ken Coomes, DTM

                                                                                            I scored a zero
                                                                                         the first time. But
                                                                                       each judge found some

                                                                                  elements of my story they
                                                                              liked, and made specific mention
                                                                           of those parts. They each found
                                                                         areas for improvement, and offered

                                                                  specific suggestions as to why that could
     the second                                                be improved. It was almost like giving a
     round, but with                                         competition speech at Feedbackers!
     a different set of three parameters. My group,              My second story (just uploaded)? A horror

     for example, were required to write a romantic          story (again, not my usual genre), at a tennis
     comedy, taking place at a blood bank, and               court, with a statue. I wrote my story, trimmed
     involving an airbag in round #1. (I hated it; I've      it to less than 1,000 words, ensured I made use of
     never written a romcom before, and I thought            all the feedback from the first entry, and shared

     the blood bank and an airbag made it even more          it with a friend. He liked the read and the story,
     difficult. However, I came up with an entry, just       had one bit of advice. Using his advice I tweaked
     under the 1,000 word requirement.)                      that part, and came up with a stronger ending.
         It takes a couple of months for the judges to       Maybe my score will be higher this time, maybe

     wade through all the submissions and score them.        not. But I will get more excellent feedback,
     Then each entry is given a score, ranging from          helping me to improve.
     0–15. The best story in each group is scored as             Time for another challenge. Try writing your
     a 15, second place a 14, down to 15th best for a        own short story, 1,000 words or less, using either

     one. All others in the group score zero for the         set of the prompts I shared from my Challenges
     round. Reminder: everyone gets to participate in        (romcom, blood bank, airbag; or horror, tennis
     Challenge #2, even with a score of zero. So you         court, statue). To share with me, send a link or
     are guaranteed feedback on at least two stories (if     the story (or even your idea, if you have one but

     you write and submit them), from three different        don't write it) to (
     judges. It's sort of like a micro Master Class in           Next month we’ll start exploring some of the
     writing. I felt the feedback alone was worth more       serial fiction platforms. Whether you share with
     than several times the entry fee.                       me or not, Just Write!

                                                                                  VOICES! | AUGUST 2022         33
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