Page 31 - 2022-08
P. 31

was very pleased, but once again I was relieved  front of a crowd. It’s not for nothing that public
      to have gotten through it.                             speaking is one of the biggest fears many people
          These days, especially with the insights  face.

      gained in my experiences through the pandemic,             While performers learn to live with the
      I’ve focused a lot more on self-improvement. I've  nervousness that comes with being onstage, the
      wanted to take on new projects and challenge  vast majority of people never learn to master
      some old assumptions. To that end, I’ve already  their fear until they’re given an opportunity to

      looked into the possibility of going online to the  move past it by learning to perform themselves.
      Khan Academy and taking their math courses  Making sure that our guests realize that they’ll
      just to see how well I understand the material.  have a strong support system in place so they
      Thankfully, I’ve been going to the gym for over  can hone their skills and alleviate their fears

      a decade. Even if I still don’t feel very athletic  is of paramount importance. Allowing them
      at times, I can always claim I’m healthier than  to be in a space where they can question their
      most folks my age..                                    own assumptions before realizing that they can
          Whenever a guest, let alone a new member,  change their views is perhaps one of the best

      arrives at your Club, remember that they’re  things we can do for them, as long as we allow
      laboring under the same misapprehensions as  them to do so at their own pace.
      the rest of us. Namely, most people believe that
      they can’t speak in public or handle being in

                                                                                  VOICES! | AUGUST 2022         31
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