Page 27 - 2022-08
P. 27


                                  Labor Day Legacy

                                               Lee Coyne, ATMS

       With Labor Day just around the corner it is not too early to think about life after retirement Let us
       brainstorm about future options yet to be attempted. That is the essence of Planning.

       1.  Aiding your successors: Some lessons you  3.  Healthcare prep 101: Consult your doctor to
           learned on the job, why not pass them on?           learn of the most likely geriatric ills you may
           Very easy to do. Simply record an overview          face. . . and means of prevention. Include in the

           on the ten most vital lessons you absorbed          genetic finding of diseases that your extended
           throughout your career. Your employer can           family had as well as death causes.
           set up an orientation library.                  4.  Monthly reunion: Plan a weekend gathering
                                                               of your old colleagues for continued support.

       2.  Guiding young folks: You can likewise               Retirement can be balanced out with retention.
           volunteer to address a high school class about      No need to burn your old bridges entirely.
           your old occupation and offer insights.

      Each of the above can develop a into a future speech as well as a stepping stone into this next phase
      of living life with a modicum of joy.

                                                                                  VOICES! | AUGUST 2022         27
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