Page 26 - 2022-08
P. 26


      have not attended any of the trainings or served           I believe I have said this before in this column,

      as a trainer for one. Clearly, something must  but I have never regretted the decision to join
      be done to begin the restoration of our Clubs  Toastmasters. Yes, it has been difficult at times,
      and members, in addition to Clubs, making  working on education awards that may or may
      the commitment to attend training sessions.  have not made sense or ones that I perceived

      Oh, and I did not even mention the easiest of  that I needed, but it is all good and valuable
      the Distinguished Club goals to achieve, Club  information that is rarely offered through other
      renewals submitted on time.                            resources—especially at the price we pay for it.
          Here is what I suggest (my wisdom to you  A good friend in Hillsboro gave a speech years

      all from a mentor). Begin now talking up Club  ago entitling it “The best $100 gift” of being a
      membership renewals and have them ready to  member of Toastmasters for a year. We have not
      submit no later than September 1st. Remember  really changed the membership renewal fee for
      that goal #10 allows you to receive credit by  years—it is still the best bang for your buck that

      having a minimum of 8 members renew before  is available. Other programs charge thousands
      the deadline of September 30th.                        of dollars, hundreds for their seminars, yet we
          If your Club officers (minimum of 4) have  seem to balk at $45 every six months and $20
      not taken Club officer leadership training for the  for a new level.

      semi-annual year, then call your Area Director             We need to wake up and smell the coffee
      and tell them of your desire to achieve that goal.  of a successful program, set at our own pace
      There are other tools that the District and/or  and achievable. In another organization I was
      division may have to help you be a distinguished  a member of, I spent two years working on my

      Club for this 2022-2023 program year. Help is  certification which initially cost me hundreds
      only a phone call away! See the D7 Toastmasters  to attend the initial training with months of
      website for a complete listing of the D7 leadership  follow-up and constant paying for this and that.
      team.                                                      In any sales pitch, one must include the

          Now it is your turn. Are you renewing your  “sale,” the “commitment.” Here it is, plainly and
      membership for the next 6 months? Ask yourself  simply stated: “to renew, or not to renew, that is
      what benefit you have or are now receiving by  the question.” Are you ready to renew? I have
      being a Toastmaster. Do you have an outside  made my commitment to pay my Toastmasters

      professional goal that Toastmasters can assist you  membership fee and Club dues once again. And
      in completing? Are you interested in developing  I will do it online with no fuss or fanfare. I’m
      and/or growing other skills that can be met  reviewing the situation—and I will renew this
      by either the educational program or by the  month. “Et tu”?

      practicum of Club meetings? Perhaps you have a             Let’s turn the downward trend into something
      skill you wish to share with other Toastmasters?  new and positive. Join with me now to rebuild
      All these questions can be part of your answer  our District and Clubs. It truly is a pathway to
      with a resounding YES to renewal!                      success, a pathway to the future.

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