Page 25 - 2022-08
P. 25

up by 3-3:30 in the afternoon. I work about 3  and information found on the Toastmasters
      out of 4 Saturdays a month precluding me from  International website under Leadership Central,
      attending many of the District events. Logic  I looked at Clubs and membership. From over

      should tell me that it is time to “move on” and  180 Clubs, we are down to 130 Clubs. Of those
      be most grateful for the years I have already  30, 20 plus are in danger of being closed due
      spent in Toastmasters. I have four Distinguished  to having less than 8 members—the standard
      Toastmaster plaques on the wall, a District 7  for Toastmaster Clubs to be considered in good

      Herb C. Stude Educational Service Award, Area  standing.
      Director of the Year, and dozens of pins and               Fellow Toastmasters, I am concerned by
      certificates for other educational and leadership  what I see and the loss of 50 Clubs in a 10-year
      positions. I have done and completed most of  period. The trend is the same for membership.

      what I wanted to achieve in Toastmasters. I  We have lost close to 50% of our members in
      can rest on my laurels and walk away. BUT. . . I  the same period. I am a realist, and I know we
      found I am still a resource to some individual  have had at least two major hits on Clubs and
      Toastmasters and Clubs, even getting phone calls  members during that time. The first factor was

      at midnight when I am available! Can I give that  the transition to Pathways and then 2 years of
      up? Not really. Plus, I get the nifty privilege of  Covid-19 pandemic issues. Even so, we are only
      writing this column every month as well. No, I  fooling ourselves when we accept these factors
      do not think I am ready for the rocking chair  as the reasons for the drop in both Clubs and

      and not being active somewhere.                        members. Other factors include distinguished
          I also “reviewed the situation” with our  Clubs in jeopardy, education awards and, the
      beloved District 7 Toastmasters and the stats  most telling of all, trained officers. That one
      involved. When I joined Toastmasters back in  bothers me the most as we have the tools and

      2009, there were over 180 Clubs in the District,  resources to train leaders through twice yearly
      and we had two Clubs in our small area with one  Toastmaster Leadership Institutes, Division
      more on the way. Today, with only one Club, that  and Area officer make-up trainings, and Club
      area is no longer in our District. Using the graphs  level training programs. This is the first year I

                                                                                  VOICES! | AUGUST 2022         25
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