Page 20 - 2022-08
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Getting Cozy with Cozies
Leanna Lindquist, DTM
Several years ago, I had a brilliant idea. Yes, it I don’t know about
happens occasionally. I decided to write a Cozy you but any time I want to
Mystery. If you watched Jessica Fletcher in learn about something I Google
Murder She Wrote or the Hallmark Channel Mystery it. There it was a book titled How to Write a Cozy
Movies, then you have an idea what a Cozy Mystery. It was a step-by-step guide. For me it
Mystery is. In a nutshell, there is no violence, was the tip of the iceberg. I was excited at the
cursing, or adult situations. The murder takes idea of learning to write. I can’t tell you how
place off stage. An amateur sleuth solves the case. many books on writing I hauled home from the
Oh, and there are loads of quirky townspeople library, purchased from used bookstores, and
who add to the story. ordered online. I was excited by the prospect
Back to the why of writing a Cozy. of writing a Cozy. I joined Sisters in Crime,
Circumstances in my life turned me into a an organization that has 4,500 members in
fulltime homebody. I needed to find something 60+ regional chapters worldwide, offering
to occupy my time and stimulate my brain networking, advice, and support to mystery
besides Toastmasters. Writing didn’t interest me, authors. I subscribed to the magazines Writers
and I didn’t like to write. To be truthful, I didn’t Digest and The Writer.
know how to write. To quote Sam, in the movie One of my great finds was MasterClass.
Love Actually, “a tiny insignificant detail.” But I MasterClass, a streaming platform where
did love to read cozy mysteries and I figured I anyone can learn from the world's best. It’s an
could learn how to write them too. immersive learning experience. The curriculum