Page 19 - 2022-08
P. 19

What Toastmasters Taught Me About Getting Stuck in an Elevator

 Eldred Brown, DTM, IPDD

            be patient and find some fun things to do         council, they told him his wife was stuck in
            with nothing. I could follow the lyrics of        the elevator. MY TRAVEL PARTNER ISN’T
            an old Statler Brothers song and count            EVEN MARRIED! Oh, well. We both got a

            flowers on the wall. (I didn’t see any.)          good laugh over that.
            Even singing the song was fun. I could               How does this apply to Toastmasters? I’ve
            play solitaire with a deck of 51, or a deck       heard a lot of humorous speeches, especially
            of 1. I could play with the buttons on the        back in the day when we ran humorous speech

            button panel. I could practice my Morse           contests for our Fall conferences. Most of
            code—SOS is easy.                                 them are based on misadventures in which
               How does this apply to Toastmasters?           the speaker was later able to find some (or a lot
            Don’t get disheartened when you run out           of) humor. Being stuck in an elevator at 2:00

            of ideas for your speeches. Be patient yet        in the morning is certainly a misadventure,
            be constantly looking for new ideas. The          and I’ve already given speeches about it to
            ideas will come to you.                           two of my Clubs. It’s even better when you
                                                              can anticipate speaking about the experience
            Lesson 3: There’s a Speech in This                and consciously gather from the experience

            Somewhere                                         all the details you need to make your speech
               While stuck in the elevator, I was             compellingly funny.
            constantly looking for the humor in the

            situation. I was thinking up jokes I could        Conclusion
            tell about my experience. I tried to see             I finally did get rescued from the elevator
            oddball connections I could play up for           and made it home from Baltimore. I learned
            laughs. For instance, I could only laugh at       where the hotel’s stairs were. I now also have a

            how some of those on the outside reacted          survivor’s tale to tell. What about you? In your
      to my situation. When they told me not to               failures and misadventures, are you keeping
      panic, I told them I wasn’t panicking, though           your cool? Are you exercising patience? Are
      I was about to lose that game of solitaire I            you looking for the humor you can share in

      had going. When they ran and told my travel             your next speech? People love to laugh with
      partner, a friend with whom I shared a hotel            you, so look for the humor to make them
      room every night of the weeklong church                 laugh.

                                                                                  VOICES! | AUGUST 2022         19
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