Page 32 - 2022-08
P. 32


         Let the Challenge Begin!

         Ken Coomes, DTM

     My original plan was to continue with the serial         I didn't think flash fiction was for me, my
     fiction discourse, switching from tips on writing        youngest son assured me he thought I would
     serial fiction to a discussion about the various         do well at writing short pieces. So I went for it.

     platforms where you could publish your serial               Here's the potentially bad news: it isn't
     fiction. But I'm giving you a break from the serial      free. The Flash Fiction Challenge has an entry
     fiction topic, just for this month. I want to talk       fee of $62, or $52 if you sign up before the
     about writing contests—more specifically, about          early bird deadline passes (I didn't). There's

     one contest in particular.                               more potentially bad news, if you're all about
        Maybe you've heard of the NYC Midnight                winning: there are four rounds, and only those
     series of writing contests, or perhaps not.              who make it to the fourth and final round are
     They have been around since 2002, and have               eligible for monetary prizes.

     expanded their offerings. They now give writers             Now for the GREAT news, and I'm not
     the opportunity to participate in one (or more)          talking potential here. The really fabulous
     of the following contests, billed as “Challenges.”       news is that you get useful feedback from three
        •  100-word and 250-word Microfiction                 different judges for each story you submit.

            Challenges                                        The feedback is specific and encouraging,
        •  Flash Fiction Challenge                            very much like evaluations in Toastmasters.
        •  Rhyming Story Challenge                            Added to that piece of good news, everyone
        •  Screenwriting Challenge                            who enters gets to advance to round two –

        •  Short Screenplay Challenge                         you're halfway to the final round, even if you
        •  Short Story Challenge                              didn't even submit a story in round #1 (as long
        Each challenge sets parameters for the                as you entered before the first round started.)
     contestants, and give them 48 hours to write a              Again speaking for the Flash Fiction

     piece meeting the criteria. Authors submitting           Challenge, entrants are given a set of three
     entries are placed in a number of groups. Now let        prompts: a genre, a location and an item. Your
     me switch focus to the Flash Fiction Challenge in        submission must take place totally, or at least
     particular, since I am in the middle of competing        primarily, at the specified location, incorporate

     in that one for my first time.                           the item and be in the form of the specified
        A friend of mine has been participating for           genre. Authors are placed in a number of
     years, and usually does quite well. I just found         groups, each group having its own set of three
     out about NYC Midnight earlier this year. While          parameters. You remain in the same group for

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