Page 35 - 2018 June Voices
P. 35

conversation with the man behind the rope.              thank you? Do you give appreciation gifts?
      Until that talk, no one had told him of the             Everyone has a different idea of what the best

      negative feelings related to his “gift.” He believes    ‘gift’ is. Granted, what I like may not be what
      in useful gifts—but he never wanted to insult           someone else likes, but if you give a ‘gift’ that
      anyone. He thanked me for my feedback saying,           is received as an insult then something does
      “I had no idea people thought that way about            need to change. I spent 25 minutes at a recent

      the rope. Ouch. One more lesson to learn.”              club meeting hosting a discussion regarding the
          He is not a Volunteer Vampire.                      best way to appreciate someone in a volunteer
      He does appreciate his                                               organization. Almost everyone
      volunteers’ time. I know                                             agreed that a unique handwritten

      that because I have a                                               note is a great way to say thank you.
      handwritten thank you note                                        If the contribution is large—say an
      from him (from 2 years ago)                                    entire year of volunteer work—then it is
      that I have kept because                                         a good idea to have a committee review

      it meant a lot to me. In                                            appreciation gift ideas to be sure they
      this fast-paced age of                                                will be received well and not end up
       technology, I enjoy                                                   in the trash can.
       handwritten notes and                                                     Don’t be a Volunteer Vampire.

       cards. I know how hard                                                Remember to say thank you to
       it is to make the time                                                your volunteers. Make the time to
       to slow down enough to                                               do it. Don’t just rush off to the next
       write a note.                                                         project. Then, when it comes time

          Appreciation gifts                                                  to recognize the contributions of
       don’t have to be lavish                                                others, be sure that the gift you
       —it’s best if they are                                                 give is not received as an insult.
       not. Some great “thank                                                 The moral of the story: don’t give

       yous” I’ve received                                                    your volunteers the rope to hang
       include Starbucks                                                      you with.
       cards, Subway cards,                                                      James Wantz joined Toastmasters
       handwritten thank you                                                  in 2012. He has served in multiple

       notes, mugs, movie                                                     District and club roles over the years.
       tickets, and a car (ok,                                                He is currently serving as District 7
       no one has given me                                                   Public Relations Manager, Pathways
       a car yet . . . but I can                                             Guide, and Pathways Academy

       hope!).                                                               mentor and coach. Look for his article
           How do you say                                                    about Pathways in the June 2018
                                                                             Toastmasters magazine.

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