Page 33 - 2018 June Voices
P. 33

don’t try and do it all. If you do, you will burn out.  simple thank you for what they do can lift their

      Our Trio year started with additional challenges.  spirits when they are feeling overwhelmed. Say
      The CGD had not moved forward. I had a brand  yes when you are asked to help. An extra hour or
      new team to mentor. We figured it out and we  two of our time can mean a lot to someone else.
      comfortably moved along. Then in January, our  It takes a village to keep District 7 functioning

      CGD resigned for health reasons. Midyear we  at a high level.
      were in some ways starting over again. Each day            July 1, 2018 I will no longer be part of the
      was a challenge and an opportunity.                    District Leadership team. It’s part of the natural
          At the end of the year we were not the  order in Toastmasters. Every year members have

      President’s Distinguished District we had set out  the opportunity to take on club and District
      to be. In spite of that, we worked hard to turn our  leadership roles.  It is the only way to develop
      challenges into opportunities. We held the first  leadership skills. Some will do it for a year, while
      board retreat to train our District officers. Radio  others will commit many years serving our

      ads were implemented. Both continue today. We  members. There will be road blocks and hurdles
      served our members to the best of our abilities.  along the way. As we say, “there is no growth in
          On July 1, 2017, I became the Immediate Past  the comfort zone.”  As I look back on my four
      District Director. The IPDD has a seat on the  years as a District leader, I’m glad I chose to do

      District Executive Committee and serves as an  it. If I had to do it all over again, I would still do
      advisor to the Trio. I served as the Leadership  it. I didn’t do it to help climb a career ladder. I
      Committee Chair at the request of the Dstrict  did it for my personal growth and for that of
      Director. My role on the District Leadership  our members. I learned a lot about Toastmasters

      Team was winding down. It was time.                    and about myself. I made many friends along
          When a new Trio comes into office,  the way and probably a few enemies too. I gave
      it’s a challenge. Different personalities,  it my best and I will always be grateful you gave
      communication styles, and prior experiences  me the opportunity to serve. I am happy to add

      must come together and mesh. It takes a while  my name to the long list of District Governors/
      to figure it all out. Trio members must learn  Directors who came before me. As a member of
      to fit District leadership responsibilities into  District 7, I stand ready to lend my support to
      their family life, career, and personal time.  our new District 7 Leadership Team.

      Unfortunately, family often takes the back seat.
      It may be necessary to use paid time off to attend
      trainings rather than family vacations. Trio
      members may find they need to temporarily back

      away from their extracurricular activities to meet
      District demands on their time. As members we
      should support our new Trio. We really can’t
      appreciate the shoes they are walking in. A

                                                                                     VOICES! | JUNE, 2018    33
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