Page 32 - 2018 June Voices
P. 32


      At the End of the Trail

      Leanna Lindquist, DTM

      Immediate Past District Director

       July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2018—It is almost four  two homes. After 26 years in the same house, we
       years to the day since I became a member of  were moving. This was no small undertaking.
       the District 7 Trio. I had prepared for months  The new house was painted; we packed, and
       to be elected Lt. Governor Marketing, now  held multiple garage sales. We moved in two

       Club Growth Director or CGD. Incentives were  phases, pre staging and after the sale. Every day
       planned, marketing strategies were laid out, and  we drove 40 miles round trip to the old house
       committee members were recruited. I was ready!  to water plants. Day after day the tempratures
          Three new clubs were chartered in July. Three  were in the high 90’s – 100+. After only 8 days

       more were chartered in August. And three more  on the market, the house sold. The process took
       were chartered in September. District 7 was on  the better part of three months. During the same
       a role! At the end of the year the score was nine  time, we had to complete club officer training.
       new clubs in the first three months and three             I could have put the move off until after my

       new clubs in the last nine months.                     stint in the Trio was over. That was the original
          I learned that the CGD is dependent on  plan. I woke one day and realized my husband’s
       our members. Leads that don’t come from  physical needs to live in a house free of four
       Toastmasters International come from our  flights of stairs needed to take priority over my

       members. We need to bring ideas for potential  Trio position. It was a lot of work but it all came
       new clubs to the attention of the CGD. Members  together.
       sponsor and mentor new clubs. Whether a club              At the end of the year we exceeded the goal
       charters or not, and whether a club is successful  for Distinguished clubs. This occurred because

       or not, is for the most part, dependent on our  our members valued their own personal growth.
       members.                                               They were proud of their clubs and wanted
          When July 1, 2015 came along, there were  to carry on or begin the tradition of being a
       two significant changes in my life: 1) I was the  Distinguished Club.

       Program Quality Director, PQD; responsible                On July 1, 2016, I was in the driver’s seat. The
       for club officer training, contests, conferences,  Grand Poobah if you are a Flintstone’s fan. The
       and the Distinguished Club Program; 2) my  role of the District Director is to be responsible
       husband and I were now the proud owners of  for it all. The buck stops here. The challenge is

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