Page 30 - 2018 June Voices
P. 30


      Defining Success

      at Babble-On

      PJ Kleffner, DTM

      There are many ways to define success—a nice  achieved Select Distinguished status our first full
      home, car, good job, and retirement nest egg.  year in existence. We have earned President’s
      When I see my brother-in-law, he simply asks,  Distinguished Club status every year since 2005.
      “Are you happy?”, because none of those material           Other Toastmasters ask how we achieve

      things matter unless you are happy. One of  success—looking for the magic or secret sauce.
      the ways we define success at Babble-On is our  The simple answer is “We work the Toastmasters
      impact on others.                                      program.”
          As servant leaders, we succeed by helping our          That means:

      individual members succeed. The Distinguished              •  All speeches are manual speeches.
      Club Program is our “report card” on how well              •  Officers attend Toastmasters Leadership
      we met the ten goals given to us each year by                  Institute (TLI).
      Toastmasters International. Our individual                 •  We develop a Club Success Plan at the

      members must meet their educational goals for                  beginning of the year and identify who
      us to meet our club goals.                                     will complete the various educational
          Babble-On chartered on March 31, 2004. We                  awards for DCP credit.
                                                                                 •  We strive to achieve all 10

                                                                                 goals by April 1st, so we have
                                                                                 three months to adjust if
                                                                                 anything goes wrong. (Credit to
                                                                                 Scott Stevenson for that idea.)

                                                                                 •  Our VP Membership follows
                                                                                 up with every visitor, usually
                                                                                 with a personal phone call.
                                                                                 •  We vote in new members

                                                                                 and assign them mentors.
                                                                                 •  We participate in Area,
                                                                                 Division and District level
                                                                                 speech contests.

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