Page 27 - 2018 June Voices
P. 27

to the audacity to dare and defy expectations.              Adding Summer

      Needless to say, the event was highly competitive
      and showcased the utmost talent from each club.             Solstice Soul
         Once all of the contestants had spoken, the
      rooms at the different locations were cleared               B. Lee Coyne, ATMS

      while the judges from each institution deliberated
      and tallied their scores live via video screen.             Summer looms on the horizon. Alas
      Once everything was counted and sorted out,                 that longest daylight day of the entire
      the contestants and audience were called back               year.  Enlightenment as well. Let’s be

      and the results were announced.                             user friendly Toastmasters as Table
                                                                  Topics questers. Take particular note to

         3rd Place: Mr. Williams (WCCF)                           our salad bar of suggestions conveyed
         2nd Place: Mr. Nye (DRCI                                 below:

         1st Place: Mr. Mandas (WCCF)                             •  School sabbatical. What subject or
                                                                     activity did you most miss?

         Several hands made the event happen,                     •  Vacation elation. Which proved
      including the staff and volunteers from each of                your most memorable vacation and

      the prisons that support their local Toastmasters              why?
      program in various ways. “The value for all the             •  Dream trip. If money were no
      participants and volunteers is clear to see,” said             object where would you trek to?
      one of the volunteers. “This is a great program             •  Longest drive. Where did you go

      that helps all of us focus our energy towards                  and what challenges did you meet?
      something positive. It hopefully helps the                  •  Outdoor hike. To what destination
      inmates down the road when they get released                   and with what obstacles?
      and opens up opportunities for all of us to pay             •  Water sports. Describe your favorite

      it forward.”                                                   and why it holds special appeal.
         If you would like to visit or support one of the         •  Gardening ardor. What plants are
      many prison clubs in District 7, we invite you to              you currently cultivating?
      come out and give it a try. If you are part of an           •  Joy of jogging. Tell us of the terrain

      Oregon prison club and would like to have your                 you come across in a morning jog.
      members join in next year’s multi-prison speech             •  Sweet tweet. If you were a songbird
      contest, please contact Gina Rone from Smooth                  what signature song would be yours?
      Talkers at                              •  That extra hour outside. How would

         Geoffrey Willams joined Toastmasters in 2017.               you most fruitfully spend it?
      He is currently serving as VP Public Relations for             As the old maxim recommends—
      Warner Creek Correctional Facility’s Smooth Talkers.        make hay while the sun shines. :)

                                                                                     VOICES! | JUNE, 2018    27
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