Page 23 - 2018 June Voices
P. 23
Rose Robison - 24 Years
Brinn Hemmingson, ACG, CL
I met her at a Labor Day event at Oaks Park.
Mother to Jim Robison, one of the most politically
active Toastmasters I know, she is our June star.
Soon I begin to appreciate this amazing lady!
Rose said she got involved with
Toastmasters because she was teaching others
how to do nursing, various angles of it, and she
wanted to see if she could learn some other
methods of teaching. And, of course, she had
to add to that. She says, “Also, I have such a big
family that at Toastmasters, I could talk without
someone interrupting me.”
That was 24 years ago. Shortly before she
retired, Rose had attended meetings as a visitor
for several years before that, in various parts of
the country.
She has belonged to two clubs. Portland Rose has participated in some contests.
Toastmasters was the first club she joined and Once, she even won an Area contest (but she does
where she is still a member. Rose also was a think other contestants threw it on purpose!)
member of Rosaria, which she joined several Now, I am not so sure about that since if she is
years ago to help try to rebuild it, but that didn’t anything like Jim, she could win contests on her
work out. And true to form, she has served own merit!
in several officer roles, including a few times Asked what is the best thing Toastmasters
as President and about a decade or so ago, as has done for her, Rose had a great reply. “Made
Treasurer. me realize that I can still enjoy life.”
Rose also served as an Area Governor As to what she might say to encourage
a few times, including Area Governor for the others to join Toastmasters Rose had some
Area stretching from Longview, Washington to thoughts. “I always tell them that it makes them
Astoria, Oregon. She says, “I felt proud that I got feel good about themselves. +++They also learn
clubs in that area to be more active in contests to speak better, but mostly it makes them feel
and district activities. good about themselves.”
VOICES! | JUNE, 2018 23