Page 26 - 2018 June Voices
P. 26


      Second Oregon Multi-Prison Speech Contest
      Everyone’s a Winner

      Geoffrey Williams, CC, CL

      On April 24, 2018, Smooth Talkers Toastmasters at  Entrepreneurs, Snake River Correctional

      Warner Creek Correctional Facility in Lakeview,  Institution’s (SCRI) Words of Strength, and
      Oregon, had the honor of facilitating the second  Warner Creek Correctional Facility’s (WCCF)
      annual, multi-prison Toastmasters International  Smooth Talkers clubs. A total of 10 speech
      Speech Contest. Just like the previous year, this  contestants participated in the event, and over 95

      event was held using an Oregon Department of  people were involved in the festivities, including
      Corrections video conference set up, allowing  club members, volunteers, and faculty staff.
      the members of various clubs to speak and see              The contest opened with a very special
      each other without traveling.                          guest: the former Superintendent of SRCI and

          This year‘s participants hailed from five clubs  current Eastside Institutions Administrator, Mr.
      across four institutions: Deer Ridge Correctional  Nooth, also held via video. After the welcome,
      Institution’s (DRCI) Spirit Trackers in Madras,  the Toastmaster of the evening, Mr. Pence, took
      Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution’s  over. The order of the contestants was chosen at

      (EOCI) Articulate Ambassadors and Creating  random and the competition began.
                                                                                            Over  an  hour
                                                                                         of speeches were
                                                                                         presented, covering

                                                                                         various topics from
                                                                                         the awe and wonder
                                                                                         of nature to helping
                                                                                         those  who  suffer

                                                                                         from depression; to
                                                                                         spreading “warm and
                                                                                         fuzzy’s” to friends and
                                                                                         loved ones; to all the

                                                                                         reasons why we should
                                                                                         all recycle our pets;
                                                                                         and to the power to
                                                                                         overcome grief and loss

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