Page 34 - 2018 June Voices
P. 34




      James Wantz, DTM
      Public Relations Manager

       A strange thing happened at a recent appreciation  I almost threw mine away.
       banquet. I did not feel appreciated. Very few             Conversely, a day ago I was given a very nice
       of those recognized for their contributions felt  Toastmasters mug for being a presenter at TLI.

       appreciated. Instead of appreciated, many felt  It is a very nice mug. I value it more highly than
       insulted by the appreciation “gift”.                  the rope. I can display the mug with pride (it’s
          The appreciation gift was a length of rope. Yes,  not in my car’s trunk) and use it on a regular
       rope. Granted, it was very good rope. Rope that  basis for coffee.

       could pull a car. Rope that had a test strength of        To me, an appreciation gift is the icing on the
       15,000 pounds. Rope that was very utilitarian.  cake of volunteering. You can have the tastiest
       But it was rope nonetheless. Conversation at the  cake in the world but if you put a plunger on top
       tables after the appreciation gift was handed out  of it—no one will eat it. That’s my feeling about

       was less than appreciative.                           appreciation gifts; it is a tangible reminder of the
          “What am I going to do with this? Am I  time I volunteered, the project that was finished,
       supposed to hang myself?”                             and the person that asked for my help. I want
          “Well…we could tie him to his car or tie his  that reminder to be a good one.

       doors shut.”                                              I don’t volunteer my time because I anticipate
          “Here,” one person said to me. “You can have  really cool swag at an appreciation banquet.
       my rope if you want.”                                 No, I volunteer because I like helping others.
          “You don’t want it?”                               After helping many people with projects in

          “Are you kidding? Why would I want that?”          Toastmasters over the years, there are some I
          Ouch! That is not the response anyone would  won’t help again: those that never said “thank
       want to an appreciation gift.                         you” for my time, my contribution, or my
          That rope is in the trunk of my car. Some  work. They expected I do the work, didn’t do

       of the rope was thrown away the night of the  any work of their own, and took all the credit
       banquet. The rope may turn out to be the most  for themselves. They are what I call Volunteer
       useful appreciation gift I’ve ever received, but at  Vampires. They suck their volunteers dry.
       the time it was given—that was not my thought.            It was a month later that I finally had a

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