Page 39 - 2018 June Voices
P. 39


                             Club Name                               Last Name             First Name

            Vancouver Toastmasters Club                       Spanski-Dreffin              Daniel
            Portlandia Club                                   Syer                         Brittany
            University of Oregon Club                         Tabor                        Katrina

            Early Words Club                                  Thomas                       Doug
            Toastmasters of Redmond                           Thorkildsen                  Jake
            CareOregon                                        Trudeau                      Jamie
            Speakers By Design                                Vanderzanden                 Rachelle
            Mentors Of Focus Club                             Velk                         Chad

            Sporty Speakers                                   Vogel                        Matthew
            University Toastmasters Club                      Walter                       Greg
            Puppetmasters Toast Club                          Webb                         Tanya

            CareOregon                                        White                        Jenny
            Marylhurst Toastmasters                           Whittington                  Stephen

                    Starting a New Club?

             or Want to Start a New Club?

         District 7 has the resources to help you make it happen.
         We have experienced members who can put on a stellar
         kick-off meeting. You will receive advice on marketing
         to attract the members you need. Don’t worry about the
         charter paperwork, we can help you with that too.
         Don’t go it alone. Contact Club Growth Director Emilie
         Taylor, DTM, for the support
         you need to start the next club in District 7.

                                                                                     VOICES! | JUNE, 2018    39
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